Bulletin of Christian Persecution, April 14, 2013

April 14, 2013

Persecuted: The Global Assault on Christians

by Lela Gilbert, Paul Marshall and Nina Shea.

Andrew Harrod reviews Persecuted in Frontpage Magazine.

“I thank God for the book you are now holding,” scholar Eric Metaxas writes in the foreward of Persecuted: The Global Assault on Christians by Hudson Institute religious freedom scholars Lela Gilbert, Paul Marshall and Nina Shea. As Metaxas elaborates, Persecuted “focuses on a scandalously underreported fact, that Christians are the single most widely persecuted religious group in the world today,” a “terrible trend…on the upswing.”

The authors chronicle in detailed fashion all manner of religious repression against Christians, such as laws inhibiting conversion to Christianity, state destruction of unapproved churches, torture of Christian dissidents, and often socially sanctioned vigilante violence.
[ . . . ] The authors stress, however, that “it is in the Muslim world where persecution of Christians is now most widespread, intense, and, ominously, increasing.”

With other religious communities facing persecution along with Christians, Philadelphia Catholic Archbishop Charles J. Chaput concludes in the afterword that there is a “global crisis in religious liberty.”

The three-fourths of the world’s 2.2 billion Christians in the developing world face hostility from various quarters.

Read the rest here.


The Bulletin of the Persecution of Christians is looking for a researcher/editor to keep up with the violence, rapes, murders of Christians across the globe from the CSPI perspective. Keep up with current events, log cut and paste articles and organize and enter them in a basic format. The job requires minimal training and takes 4-5 hours a month. The position is unpaid..

If interested, email [email protected].

Produced by politicalislam.com
Publisher: Bill Warner; Edited by Asma Marwan
Permalink: https://politicalislam.com/bulletin-of-christian-persecution-april-14-2013/

One Response

  1. Michael Pierce

    Sir, after learning of you and listening to your research. I had to contact you!
    I have started a group “Christian Rescue Coalition” which is establishing contacts with country leaders education them on Islam and it’s caliphate. Get these leaders to accept Christian refugees from countries devastated by the Islamic cleansing of the lands nearby.
    I would like for you to consider joining us. You would be the best person To educate these leaders. I have pastors who will teach the people in Church, teaching them of who Jesus said, are our Brothers and our Sisters; and of our responsibility to help them.
    I am going to establish a network or Christian Underground Railroad to move Christians deep inside Islamic areas too safety. And will be working in countries where the Islamic Military arm is attacking the populations, to eliminate them and occupy their lands, moving the poor and helpless to safety.
    We are planning to purchase a ship for moving great distances, large groups. But currently we are young, but understand that this problem will multiply quickly in the next year, as Islam rises and becomes more organized.
    I really could use your help. I would be glad to help you with the research, I do it for myself, why not just pass it to you as well. As we establish the network we will be getting first hand reports and pictures of the attacks on Christians.
    This is a project that will demand all to work together, the separating of the sheep and the goats.
    Please consider working with us! And allowing us to work with you.

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