by Kenneth Roberts
“Hero-worship is strongest where there is least regard for human freedom.”
So said Herbert Spencer, an English philosopher. Think of North Korea, Stalinist Russia, the Red Guards of China, Hitler’s Germany, etc.
Now consider this: Wherever Mohammed is most admired, there is the lowest regard for human rights, civil liberties and political freedoms, such as Syria, Pakistan, Egypt, and Tunisia.
The reason for this lack of human rights is something that Muslims deny and block out of consciousness. Plainly, Mohammed was a dictator and an abuser of human rights. But Mohammed is said by Muslims to be perfect. It isn’t abuse if Mohammed did it.
Mohammed took away the human rights of peaceful, pluralistic, cultured people. He insulted, robbed, assassinated, enslaved, and then expelled the rest of them from their properties and ancestral homeland in Arabia. Since the hero Mohammed committed these crimes, they are justifiable and good. Today, we call Mohammed’s political program ethnic cleansing or ‘genocide.’ Aggressive ethnic cleansing is occurring today in Iran and Sudan. It is ‘good’, because the hero Mohammed did it.
Muslims imitate Mohammed, so Islam naturally creates a despotic form of government that represses women and minorities. It’s Islam’s DNA.
Islam, in theory, is a single imperial state. The constitution of Islam is the biography of Mohammed. The Koran calls Mohammed’s life ‘a beautiful example’. Muslims know this is true because Mohammed wrote it in the Koran.
Mohammed struggled (jihad) to create a monocultural society based on the model of the anthill. The queen ant rules; the soldier ants all think the same way, do their dance and attack the same external enemies. Alien animals (such as aphids) are either parasitized by ants or killed or expelled. Ants go out regularly to destroy other anthills.
In the ideology of Mohammed, this is the perfect model for Islamic society. There is even a chapter in the Koran called ‘The Ants’ and another called ‘The Bee’. It is easy to see why Mohammed felt these animals ran ideal societies.
Mohammed didn’t rule by popular vote. Mohammed’s god told Muslims repeatedly to obey him. Whatever Mohammed decided, Gabriel always confirmed it shortly thereafter with a message from Allah himself. Thus Mohammed was never wrong. He ruled by divine decree. Allah constantly confirmed Mohammed’s hero status in the Koran that was written by Mohammed! Mohammed further claimed he was the owner of the earth and that Allah Almighty had created the universe for the benefit of Mohammed alone! This is a universal political claim. Mohammed said so. Mohammed is a hero, so it must be true. A true hero would not call himself a hero.
Muslims are lost in hero-worship.
Hero-worship of Mohammed is defended by law in all Islamic countries. Only hero-worship of Mohammed is ever expressed in the public domain. Dissent about Mohammed’s hero status is never heard in Islamic countries, because ordinary Muslims, like the ants in their hill, immediately and instinctively rush to neutralize aliens, sting and eliminate them. Think of the cartoon riots! Think of the Teddy Bear crisis. Think of the pursuit of critics and apostates from Islam, how they are murdered by their own families or hunted by ordinary Muslims acting as vigilantes. The greatest crime in the world is to express scepticism about the hero status of Mohammed.
If an alien animal enters the anthill, perfect harmony and unity is quickly restored. The alien is surrounded by ordinary ants and cut to pieces. In Islamic countries, there is no real pluralism or the chaotic differences of opinion found in full democracies. Alien animals (such as aphids) are only allowed into an anthill so they may be parasitized for the benefit of the ants. In Islamic countries, the anthill or the beehive is the model for the organization of society. In Islamic countries, kafirs may work for Muslims, but not lead or rule over them. That is Mohammed’s method and thus it is the Islamic ideal.
Hero-worship of Mohammed is everywhere in the Islamic state. So, for decisions to be perfectly acceptable, leaders must constantly appeal to his heroic example. If Mohammed did it, it must be ‘good’. Logic has nothing to do with it.
Mohammed never defended the human rights of kafirs. In Mohammed’s Medina, jihad occurred on the average of every six weeks. Medieval Islamic jurisprudence demanded a minimum of attacks. Unprovoked jihad expeditions against kafirs should be made a minimum of once yearly . The human rights of kafirs are unimportant, since jihad against them must take place so frequently and the very purpose of jihad is to remove the human rights of kafirs. This cannot take place in a democracy.
Ordinary Muslims assume Islam is benign, so they never concern themselves with the human rights of kafirs. Besides, kafirs have misfortunes coming to them, because they did not submit to Islam. Either way, no empathy is ever wasted on kafirs. Supremacists never apologize.
Only the politics of Islam are of concern to the kafirs. The only that kafirs care about are the things that affect our rights and our pluralistic free societies. Mohammed’s method invades and destroys kafirs and their culture, just as anthills expand to annihilate neighboring anthills. This is the traditional jihad method: Invade, colonize, and then annihilate.
Mohammed is a hero, the perfect man, and so ‘good’ Muslims use Mohammed’s monocultural model. This is why Muslims always strive (jihad) to create a monoculture of hero-worshipping wherever they go.
Kenneth Roberts is interested in global affairs, military history and the music of Mozart.
Copyright © 2010 CBSX, LLC Use and distribute as you wish; do not edit and give us credit.
10 Responses
Sani Garba wrote: Muslims emulate the Prophet.
Indeed. Bill Warner wrote: The Koran commands Muslims to obey and follow the example of the perfect Muslim-Mohammed. It devotes 91 verses to this command. This is one of the most important parts of the Koran because it establishes the Sunna, the perfect example of Mohammed. It is interesting that of the 91 commands to follow the example of Mohammed, 86 of them occur in Medina. Why Medina? In Mecca Mohammed was a teacher; in Medina he was a general and commander. (Military) Commanders must be obeyed and he (Mohammed) was the leader (of the army).
Muslim males are all in the Islamic jihad army.
billy ar-razi
Hey Issa K!
Did you notice that your threat of violence by Muslims confirms the thesis of the article?
It is fascinating how Moslems ‘screen’ out the obvious depraved cruelty of Mohammed in the Sira and Hadiths, then re-write a fanciful Mohammed, thus making a golden calf.
Fascinating as well, Moses was obviously Mohammed’s role model a genocidal, tribal chieftain.
Mohammed loved the story so much he recited it over and over. He thought he was the new Moses. The redundant stories were collected and not edited and lumped into the Koran, proving human authorship.
It is suggested Moses was murdered by his followers in revenge for Moses’ executions of the disobedient among them.
Similarly, the Shi’ites believe Mohammed was poisoned by Abu Bakr and Omar through the agency of their daughters, Aisha and Hafsa.
If this is true (and it likely is), history repeated itself.
A river of blood flows out Arabia to the rest of the world and is still flowing from the words and deeds of Mohammed.
Shameless. Appalling.
“The Koran calls Mohammed’s life ‘a beautiful example’. Muslims know this is true because Mohammed wrote it in the Koran.”
Mohammed obviously had a high opinion of himself and wrote it down in his own book.
And the readers of the Koran are gullible enough to believe that even though Mohammed is simply writing about himself it MUST be true !
Let me guess …. Mohammed also said to all his readers: “Believe every word I say”….”Trust me”….”Sacrifice your useless lives for my cause”…. “I alone can give you the eternal truth”….. “Vote for me in an election”…”Fight in my army for my cause”
Friends, there’s a sucker born every minute.
Mr Kenneth Roberts,may God guide you to know who Muhamad(saw) is?
If you’re not prejudiced and that is what you know about Muhamad(saw),then the Muslims in the world have not done a good job to educate people like you about Muhamad.
Dont be surprised finding Muslims who are not informed or who understand like you trying to hurt you for misinforming the world about Muhamad’S(SAW)habits .
All you have attributed to our beloved prophet of God is not true.
Instead of blaming you, we need to look for you and educate you about the beauty of the characters the prophet of God had.
[email protected]
Sani Garba
Please be informed that, as further proof of your misconceptIon of the Quran as a biography of our Prophet… Prophet Musa (Moses) was the most discussed in the Quran and not the Noble Prophet, Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) who was mentioned only 4 times as Mmhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and one time as Ahmad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). The theme of the Quran is actually you and me (man).
……………….. Sani Garba
Sani Garba
There is no place on earth where hero horship is more predominent than in America. There is even an American Idol that’s celebrated annually: the number of voters that elect the idol far exceeds the annual records in American presidential elections.
Muslims emulate the Prophet (may peace and the blessings of Allah be upon him).The Quran is NOT his biography. This singular misconception tells me that you are roundedly ignorant of Islam, and it’s people like you that misinform so many out there. I invite you to read the compilations on the teachings and life (Hadith) of our noble Prophet. You would be amazed if you did, but I know you won’t because you feel safe in your myopic view of Islam. It’s a pity.
Dear muhammad,
The Koranic verse 16:51 shows the Koran was Mohammed’s words:
“Allah has said: “Take not (for worship) two gods: for He is just One Allah: then fear Me (and Me alone).”
If we need one specific verse from the Quran that irrefutably proves that the Koran contains Mohammed’s words and statements, this is it!
The person changes 3 times. It is an embarrassment for all Moslems.
Mohammed forgets whether he is quoting Allah or speaking directly in his voice.
Hello muhammed,
You make a common mistake:
Muslim scholars derived the illiteracy concept for Muhammad from verses 7:157-158 of the Quran. In today’s standard Arabic, ‘ummi’ means ‘illiterate’, only one of the meaning of this word, but this is not a compelling evidence, since ‘unscriptured’ or ‘gentile’ (non-Jew) is also another meaning of it. If you study the Quran carefully, where this word is found, its usage has always been in the context of “the people of the scripture” vs. “the gentiles” or “the unscriptured”. (See for example 3:20, 3:75, 62:2, 2:78). It is even possible to surmise that the “illiterate” meaning is secondary. It came to be used after the Quran was revealed, since it is reasonable to deduct “illiterate” as the opposite of “those who can read.” This in turn may well be coming from “those who read the book,” or “those who received the book,” or “the people of the book” (ahl al-Kitab), which is precisely the opposite of “the gentiles.”
Several hadiths reveal that Mohammed could read and also write when he chose to do so. If there was a Mohammed.
your arguments are utterly wrong and stuppid. just mind this –Islam, in theory, is a single imperial state. The constitution of Islam is the biography of Mohammed. The Koran calls Mohammed’s life ‘a beautiful example’. Muslims know this is true because Mohammed wrote it in the Koran.–muhammed was an illiterate. he did not studied read and write.kuran is not the book of muhammed. kuran is the book of allah.