Islam and the Egyptian Political Future

Published in American Thinker

Today we see the politics in Egypt in change and the question of the day is “what will happen to the government?” The details cannot be known, but the future will probably be some version of the past a past is driven by Islamic political doctrine.

All Islamic political doctrine is determined by the example of Mohammed. His rise to power was not by winning elections, but in the use of armed force. Mohammed averaged an event of violence on the average of every six weeks for the last nine years of his life. He may have been the prophet of Allah, but his rule was in parallel to other absolute rulers.

Historically, fascism was a political system in power in Italy in the middle twentieth century. Today, the term has come to mean:

  • An authoritarian political system with a strong leader who is glorified.
  • Mass demonstrations play a political role.
  • Totalitarian rule without an opposing political party.
  • Militaristic–advocate the use of force to advance the ideology.

Even the casual observer can see that Islam has many of these features.

Political Domination

Mohammed is the ideal Islamic leader. He rose to power by force of arms—jihad. Jihad was critical in his rise to total and absolute power.

The Sunna (the perfect example of a Muslim life) of Mohammed is found in the Hadith (Traditions) and Sira (his biography). The three texts, Koran, Sira and Hadith, are named the Trilogy. If it is in the Trilogy, it is Islam. If it is not in the Trilogy, it is not Islam. Here is a chart of how much text is devoted to jihad in the Islamic texts:

Jihad is a large part of Islamic doctrine. It is not a verse or two, but a dominant theme. In his jihad phase, Mohammed attacked his nearest neighbor and then the next nearest. He attacked with propaganda and the sword. This remains Islamic hegemonic political doctrine.

Islam’s political purpose is for the entire world to be under Sharia law.

The Elimination of Political Enemies by Force

Islam started as a religious ideology in Mecca, but in Medina it quickly moved to the use of lethal force by men sent out with orders to attack commercial targets, kill, capture and take all wealth. The captured victims were ransomed, executed, enslaved and tortured. The size of the forces ranged from single assassins to small bands and armies.

This military philosophy was so important that it was given a unique name—jihad. What is so brilliant about jihad is its civilizational scope. Armed force was merely the final stage in a system of war against all Kafirs. Jihad is practiced by armed force, speech, writing and cash contributions through charities. (Note: the inner or spiritual jihad is mentioned in less than 2% of texts.)

The graph below shows the efficiency of jihad. The conversion rate went from about ten a year to ten thousand per year.

Jihad has been the most effective system of military force known to humanity. Today, no one kills for Julius Caesar, Napoleon or any other military leader of history. Kafirs die daily because of jihad. Approximately 270 million Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, and Africans have been destroyed by jihad over the last 1400 years.

Islam created the word “assassin”. Mohammed repeatedly used assassins to eliminate his political enemies, including artists and intellectuals. A partial list includes:

Person Al Ashraf Abu Rafi Marwan’s Dtr. Abu Afak Rifaa b. Qays
Function Poet Poet Poet Critic Tribal Chief
Source Bukhari 5,59,369 Bukhari 5,59,371 Ishaq 995 Ishaq 995 Ishaq 990

A Partial List of Assassinated Intellectuals and Leaders

Strong Leader

When Mohammed died he did not have an enemy left standing. All Arabs within his horizon were Muslims. He absolutely and completely dominated all political life in a unified Arabia. Mohammed is the perfect example of an Islamic political leader. He was absolute in his power. He was the judge, lawgiver, military leader, intellectual leader, spiritual leader, and political leader.

He rose to power through his own efforts and became the ultimate strongman. He did not leave behind a process for Islam to choose leaders other than imitating his methods.


All Muslims are a part of the umma, the Islamic community or nation. This concept goes beyond the usual geographic boundaries of nation. The al Qaeda idea of restoring the caliphate is based upon going back to a supreme leader who rises to power and rules all Muslims as the global umma.

The umma means that every Muslim living in a Kafir nation has two allegiances—the nation and Islam. Islam demands that a Muslim’s first allegiance is to the umma, not the nation. Therefore, the Islamic version of nationalism is umma-ism.

Mass demonstrations

Islam does mass demonstrations and riots like a symphony orchestra plays Bach. Demonstrations are a political tradition. The Islamic mass demonstration is so common that we do not really see the brilliance and perfection that is in their execution. Mass demonstrations and riots are happening in Europe and we will soon feel the pressure of them in America when Islam has greater numbers.

Over time Political Islam dominates every country where Islam was introduced. At some point in the process, street riots, mass rallies and assassinations become part of the political process of domination by Islam, until complete political dominance is achieved.

Israel and Islam

At first Islam was kind to the Jews, but in the end Mohammed exiled, enslaved and annihilated every Jew in Arabia. This is recorded in the Trilogy. Examine the next chart:

There is less Jew hatred in Mein Kampf than in the Trilogy. Hence, Islamic texts can be compared to Mein Kampf. Ask this question: if Egypt becomes more Islamic, as the Muslim Brotherhood wants, what will the new Egyptian policy be towards Israel?


Islam has fascist qualities. The next government in Egypt will have a fig leaf of democracy, but if the past is any guide it will be fascist in it implementation and rule. Egypt will become more Sharia compliant, which is bad news for all Christians in Egypt.

Bill Warner, Director, Center for the Study of Political Islam
Copyright © 2011 CBSX, LLC,

12 Responses

  1. Laith

    to Ali Mohammed

    Islam Can NOT mean peace it only means FIGHT and KILL

  2. Steve

    “It saddens me to read posts such as Tommy’s. Although he will not be returning let me say this. Islam means submission to the moon god allah a idol chosen from hundreds of others. My God is one of love for all mankind. Not just the Christians but for all mankind even you Tommy. Now allah is the god of Islam and If i don’t submit to allah then Man (Muslim) it could even be you Tommy will force me against my will or make me submit to choose between three paths.because I am forced to make this choice simply because I am an infidel. Those three choices are. 1. I convert to accepting your moon idol god and disavow my God, 2. pay a monetary fine give you my money and land Or 3. you kill me. So Tommy, and I know your not here but I feel I need to explain this to you. I must submit, pay a price. or die. Am I paying the price to allah? Does allah get my money? what will allah do with my land? will he build a house on it. will he tend my goats and chickens, what will he do with my wife and daughters. will he enslave them and murder my sons? and if I choose death does allah get my life? The answer is No, I’m paying the price to you Tommy. You take my land, you rape my daughters and kill my sons, you take my wife after all your own history, your own religon demands this Tommy! Tommy are you there. OOO Thats right he’s not coming back. Well just in case you do can you please help this infidel. Correct me where I’m wrong Tommy. So in essence I am submitting to man fore who wants to die? Its truly unfortunate that those who claim to understand their own religion fail at understanding their own religion!”

  3. Steve

    It saddens me to read posts such as Tommy’s. Although he will not be returning let me say this. Islam means submission to the moon god allah a idol chosen from hundreds of others. My God is one of love for all mankind. Not just the Christians but for all mankind even you Tommy. Now allah is the god of Islam and If i don’t submit to allah then Man (Muslim) it could even be you Tommy will force me against my will or make me submit to choose between three paths.because I am forced to make this choice simply because I am an infidel. Those three choices are. 1. I convert to accepting your moon idol god and disavow my God, 2. pay a monetary fine give you my money and land Or 3. you kill me. So Tommy, and I know your not here but I feel I need to explain this to you. I must submit, pay a price. or die. Am I paying the price to allah? Does allah get my money? what will allah do with my land? will he build a house on it. will he tend my goats and chickens, what will he do with my wife and daughters. will he enslave them and murder my sons? and if I choose death does allah get my life? The answer is No, I’m paying the price to you Tommy. You take my land, you rape my daughters and kill my sons, you take my wife after all your own history, your own religon demands this Tommy! Tommy are you there. OOO Thats right he’s not coming back. Well just in case you do can you please help this infidel. Correct me where I’m wrong Tommy. So in essence I am submitting to man fore who wants to die? Its truly unfortunate that those who claim to understand their own religion fail at understanding their own religion!

  4. Tommy

    It’s of no sense what i hear in this room, and if it means something that means you’re hypocrits and blind people whom cant see the truth in them selves and they want to show it to the world.

    To you ”Lorenzo Bouchard”: you are treating bad the muslim world because they have oil and they share it with you and the world, shame on you québecois go dig your sand-oil.
    To you jean tyzack : The ungratefull, you got a freinds that helps you and you deny this,maybe be they should let you down and this is what you deserve.
    To you ”RC” : What do you know about islam ,if it wasn’t because of the islam,you would not have any existance because you lived in between the muslim who protects you.

    To you ”Democracyistheanswer” : Islam really mean submission, but submission to GOD and not to human ,you better go and check your sources.

    And please All of you, don’t reply to me because i will not get in again , it makes me siiiiick


  5. Democracyistheanswer

    Dear Ali,

    How do you tell a Moslem? Well, it’s someone who reads the Koran and Hadiths. And how do you tell an anti-Moslem? It’s someone who understands the Koran and Hadiths.

  6. RC

    To “Ali Mohammed”,

    You should know very well that Islam means “submission”. You clearly are either practicing “taquia” or you are being misled by the Mecca verses of the Koran. If the latter is true, then you must begin now to realize the truth and reality of Koranic verses: The later verses (revelations) of the Koran supersede the earlier verses. Put in a different way, the Medina revelations given to Muhammad came after the Mecca revelations. As a consequence, the Medina Koranic verses both supplant and supersede the Mecca verses.

  7. Democracyistheanswer

    Islam means ‘submission’…a euphemism for ‘slavery’.

    Wherever there is a slave there are slave-holders…the Moslem overlords.

  8. Democracyistheanswer

    Dear Ali,

    Islamic democracy is an oxymoron. There is no example of it.

    In modern parlance, the normative Islamic system of leadership is called a ‘military junta’ or ‘military dictatorship’, as based on the allegedly perfect dictatorship of Mohammed.

    Representative, multi-party, pluralist democracy contradicts the supremacy of Sharia, thus the two systems are totally irreconcilable.

  9. jean tyzack

    most of my friends are moslums, they have helped me in the past, I never realised what their intentions were, but, now I do, for the sake of my country, I must not recognise them as friends, I must put my children & country before moslums, & their religeon, I ure every other person who has been taken in by these people to forget them, & think of helping them to conquer our country NO BLOODY WAY.


  10. Ali Mohammed

    political Islam is not about unbeliever as you have said, it is about true democracy, I realy wonder why you are so blind to understand this clear truth “Islam mean peace”

  11. Lorenzo Bouchard


    There is a great danger to Industrial and democratic nations, coming from the Islamic world, which we are now experiencing as an outcome of the Revolution in Egypt.

    In purely economic terms, there are highly vulnerable chokepoints for oil transportation to the industrial world including the Suez Canal, the Gate of Tears off Yemen and the Strait of Hormuz off Iran. 3.3 million barrels of oil move daily through the Gate of Tears and the Suez Canal, to feed the needs of the Industrial Nations such as Europe. 17 million barrels of oil are shipped daily through the Strait of Hormuz, which supplies major Industrial Nations such as Japan and India.

    President Obama, who clearly has Muslim and leftist leanings, continually attempts to interfere with development of the Canadian oil sands and offshore drilling to prevent any ability for the Industrial Nations to have a viable solution to Arab oil.

    The aim of Islam is have a world Caliphate and to subjugate the Infidels. For economic reasons alone, there must be total War against Islam which seeks to strangle our economies, keep us at their mercy for oil for industrial strength and undermine our defences. Iran is moving toward gaining supremacy of the Saudi oil fields by financing attacks from Yemen. They know that to control this commodity provides them with the power to control the region (especially when coupled with their nuclear might) and ultimately, control the needs of the industrial and democratic nations of the world.


    Lorenzo Bouchard
    [email protected]

  12. Mike Wilken

    Congrats on being published in American Thinker, everyone needs to read your work.

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