The language of Islam is dualistic. As an example, there is never any reference to humanity as a unified whole. Instead there is a division into believer and kafir (unbeliever). Humanity is not seen as one body, but is divided into whether the person believes Mohammed is the prophet of Allah or not.
Kafir is what the Koran and Islam call the unbelievers. Kafir is the worst word in the human language.
The Koran defines the kafir and says that the kafir is:
Hated- 40:35 They who dispute the signs of Allah [kafirs] without authority having reached them are greatly hated by Allah and the believers. So Allah seals up every arrogant, disdainful heart. and despised by Allah.
Mocked- 83:34 On that day the faithful will mock the kafirs, while they sit on bridal couches and watch them. Should not the kafirs be paid back for what they did?
Punished- 25:77 Say to the kafirs: My Lord does not care for you or your prayers. You have rejected the truth, so sooner or later, a punishment will come.
Beheaded- 47:4 When you encounter the kafirs on the battlefield, cut off their heads until you have thor-oughly defeated them and then take the prisoners and tie them up firmly.
Confused- 6:25 Some among them listen to you [Mohammed], but We have cast veils over their [kafirs] hearts and a heaviness to their ears so that they cannot understand our signs [the Koran].
Plotted against- 86:15 They plot and scheme against you [Mohammed], and I plot and scheme against them. Therefore, deal calmly with the kafirs and leave them alone for a while.
Terrorized- 8:12 Then your Lord spoke to His angels and said, “I will be with you. Give strength to the believers. I will send terror into the kafirs’ hearts, cut off their heads and even the tips of their fin-gers!”
Annihilated- 6:45 So the kafirs were annihilated. All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.
Killed- 4:91 If they do not keep away from you or offer you peace or withdraw their hostilities, then seize them and kill them wherever they are. We give you complete authority over them.
Crucified- 5:33 The only reward for those who war against Allah and His messengers and strive to com-mit mischief on the earth is that they will be slain or crucified, have their alternate hands and feet cut off, or be banished from the land. This will be their disgrace in this world, and a great torment shall be theirs in the next except those who repent before you overpower them. Know that Allah is forgiving and merciful.
Made war on- 9:29 Make war on those who have received the Scriptures [Jews and Christians] but do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day. They do not forbid what Allah and His Messenger have forbidden. The Christians and Jews do not follow the religion of truth until they submit and pay the poll tax [jizya], and they are humiliated.
A Muslim is not the friend of a kafir- 3:28 Believers should not take kafirs as friends in preference to other believers. Those who do this will have none of Allah’s protection and will only have themselves as guards. Allah warns you to fear Him for all will return to Him.
A kafir is ignorant- 6:111 Even if We had sent down the angels to them [kafirs], the dead had spoken to them, and We had gathered all things before their eyes, they would not believe unless Allah had willed it, but most of them are ignorant.
Evil- 23:97 And say: Oh my Lord! I seek refuge with You from the suggestions of the evil ones [kafirs]. And I seek refuge with you, my Lord, from their presence.
Disgraced- 37:18 Tell them, “Yes! And you [kafirs] will be disgraced.” a partner of Satan 25:55 And still they worship others besides Allah who can neither help nor hurt them. The kafir is Satan’s ally against Allah. Unclean- 9:28 Oh, believers, only the kafirs are unclean.
Cursed- 33:60 They [kafirs] will be cursed, and wherever they are found, they will be seized and mur-dered. It was Allah’s same practice with those who came before them, and you will find no change in Allah’s ways.
Stolen from- Bukhari 5,59,537 On the day of Khaybar, Allah’s Apostle divided the spoils of war of Khaybar with the ratio of two shares for the horse and one share for the foot soldier.
Raped- Ishaq 759 [Mohammed’s official biography] On the occasion of Khaybar, Mohammed put forth new orders about forcing sex with captive women. If the woman was pregnant she was not to be used for sex until after the birth of the child. Nor were any women to be used for sex who were unclean with regard to Muslim laws about menstruation.
Christians and Jews are infidels, but infidels are kafirs, too. Polytheists are Hindus, but they are also kafirs. The terms infidel and polytheist are religious words. Only the word “kafir” shows the common political treatment of Christian, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist, animist, atheist and humanist.
The word kafir should be used instead of “unbeliever”, the standard word. Unbeliever is a neutral term. The Koran defines the kafir and kafir is not a neutral word. A kafir is not merely someone who does not agree with Islam, but a kafir is evil, disgusting, the lowest form of life. Kafirs can be tortured, killed, lied to and cheated. So the usual word “unbeliever” does not reflect the political reality of Islam.
132 Responses
Turkey: Hate Crimes Targeting Religious Minorities On the RiseBy Uzay Bulut – HyeTert
[…] Bill Warner, the president of the Center for the Study of Political Islam (CSPI), describes what the term “kafir” means according to Islamic […]
Khaled Abou El Fadl: Ambassador of Sharia - Scholarship Spidzz
[…] question I received most often from my fellow Muslims was, ‘Isn’t it haraam to study non believer straight?’ he asked, indicating that many Muslims consider themselves infidels (non believer) […]
Khaled Abou El Fadl: Ambassador for Sharia – Jewish Digital Times
[…] question that I would most often get from my fellow Muslims was, ‘Isn’t it haram to study kafir law?’ ” he asked, indicating that many Muslims considered infidel (kafir) American law to be […]
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The word Quran is literal or precise word of God. It is the book of guidance. Holy Quran is the 4th and last sacred book of Allah almighty revealed on Muhammad (SAWW). Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) received these heavenly revelations over a period of twenty three years in the 7th century of the Common Era. Every revelation was written by the Holy prophet’s (SAWW) transcriber with the Prophet’s (SAWW) instructions. The contemporary order and organization into 114 surahs of the whole revelation were hence given to us by Prophet (SAWW) himself. Moreover, our prophet Muhammad (SAWW) and many fellows had dedicated the whole Quran to memory. The Pattern of memorizing the entire Quran continued throughout the years.
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Muslims Face Hardship Navigating Intersectionality Between Shari’a & Democracy – EricBrazau.com
[…] statement that whoever does not judge according to what Allaah revealed is a kaafir, a zaalim (oppressor or wrongdoer) and a faasiq (sinner), as Allaah says: “. . . And whoever does […]
Turecko oslavuje historické zločiny (Uzay Bulut)
[…] sa, že viera v džihád (svätá vojna v mene islamu), dobytie v mene islamskej doktríny a odľudštenie kafírov (neveriacich) hrajú veľkú úlohu v tureckej rasistickej mentalite a v súčasných […]
Turecko glorifikuje svoje historické zločiny » Oral.sk - Porno Politika
[…] víra v džihád [svatá válka ve jménu islámu], dobývání ve jménu islámské doktríny a dehumanizace káfirů (nevěřících) hrají velkou roli v turecké supremacistické rasistické mentalitě a v […]
Turkey Glorifies Historic Crimes – Now or Never
[…] in jihad [holy war in the name of Islam], conquest in the name of Islamic doctrine and the dehumanization of kafirs (infidels) seem to play a large role in Turkish supremacist mentality and its leaders’ […]
Turquia glorifica crimes históricos | Muhammad e os Sufis
[…] A crença na jihad [guerra santa em nome do Islã], conquista em nome da doutrina islâmica e a desumanização dos kafirs (infiéis) parecem desempenhar um grande papel na mentalidade supremacista turca e nas aspirações […]
Turkey Glorifies Historic Crimes | Νέα Πρωινή
[…] belief in jihad [holy war in the name of Islam], conquest in the name of Islamic doctrine and the dehumanization of kafirs (infidels) seem to play a large role in Turkish supremacist mentality and its leaders’ […]
Turkey Glorifies Historic Crimes by Uzay Bulut | RUTHFULLY YOURS
[…] A belief in jihad [holy war in the name of Islam], conquest in the name of Islamic doctrine and the dehumanization of kafirs (infidels) seem to play a large role in Turkish supremacist mentality and its leaders’ […]
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Turkey: Greek Chora Church to be Converted into a Mosque; Is Hagia Sophia the Next? : Ανιχνεύσεις
[…] Koran defines the kafir and kafir is not a neutral word. A kafir is not merely someone who does not agree with Islam, but a […]
Erdogan: “Nosso Deus ordena que sejamos violentos com o kuffar” - Últimos Acontecimentos
[…] Warner continua a dar exemplos de como as escrituras islâmicas se referem ao […]
Turkey: Greek Chora Church to be Converted into a Mosque; Is Hagia Sophia the Next? – ON NEWS
[…] Koran defines the kafir and kafir is not a neutral word. A kafir is not merely someone who does not agree with Islam, but a […]
Turkey: Greek Chora Church to be Converted into a Mosque; Is Hagia Sophia the Next? - Greek City Times
[…] Koran defines the kafir and kafir is not a neutral word. A kafir is not merely someone who does not agree with Islam, but a […]
Mortality and Faith - G20 Intel
[…] even to the basic humanity of non-Muslims is commanded repeatedly in the Koran and in hadith. Dr. Bill Warner points out that the language of Islam in dualistic. The Koran never speaks of humanity as a whole, but as a […]
Trump’s DOJ to Judge: Stop ISIS Bride Hoda Muthana’s return to U.S. | Concerned Canadian Citizens
[…] is antithetical with Hoda Muthana’s support of Islam’s core doctrine: Under Sharia law, the Kafir (unbeliever) has only three options: (a) Convert to Islam; (b) Become a second-class citizen, and […]
Intro to ‘Muslim Invasion: GOOD BYE ENGLAND Lookout USA’ – Mohammedan Islam and the World
[…] the Quran attributed Muhammad’s Medina-recited surahs) as insulting infidels (aka kafir) if they do not submit to the superiority of Allah and […]
Intro to ‘Muslim Invasion: GOOD BYE ENGLAND Lookout USA’ – The NeoConservative Christian Right
[…] is abrogated by the Quran attributed Muhammad’s Medina-recited surahs) as insulting infidels (aka kafir) if they do not submit to the superiority of Allah and […]
Making Islamophobia a Crime – The NeoConservative Christian Right
[…] is a cultural, religious and political system. Only the political system is of interest to kafirs (non-Muslims) since it determines how we are defined and treated. The Islamic political system is […]
Edward Cline: Sharia Law for non-Muslims – Shea's Blog
[…] us with a short, handy book (48 pages) on the chore of understanding Shania law as it applies to Kafirs, or non-Muslims. Sharia law for Non-Muslims is a must read for anyone confused by the jigsaw puzzle […]
Edward Cline: Sharia Law for non-Muslims – Sheaholliman's Weblog
[…] us with a short, handy book (48 pages) on the chore of understanding Shania law as it applies to Kafirs, or non-Muslims. Sharia law for Non-Muslims is a must read for anyone confused by the jigsaw puzzle […]
Edward Cline: Sharia Law for non-Muslims: – Sheaholliman's Weblog
[…] us with a short, handy book (48 pages) on the chore of understanding Shania law as it applies to Kafirs, or non-Muslims. Sharia law for Non-Muslims is a must read for anyone confused by the jigsaw puzzle […]
An Act of Sedition – Dr. Rich Swier
[…] is swearing her oath on a Koran that says that Muslims are superior to all and the non-Muslim (Kafir) is lower than animals. It also says a Muslim is not the friend of a […]
Of course the one who refuses the oneness of Allah, the finality of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and who does not believe in the life after death is Kafir (non-Muslim). There clear versus in the holy Quran about kafir. Doing Kufur is the biggest sin which won’t be forgiven in any case until he/she repents.
Legal Jihad: A terrorist uses American courts to enforce Sharia law via Geller Report | Boudica2015
[…] Sharia law, the Kafir (unbeliever) has only three […]
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Catastrophe in Afghanistan: Where Next for NATO?
[…] donors, with most of it ending up in mansions in Dubai. It was because Shias are regarded as kafirs — […]
The Four Jihads | The NeoConservative Christian Right
[…] is a cultural, religious and political system. Only the political system is of interest to kafirs (non-Muslims) since it determines how we are defined and treated. The Islamic political system is […]
"Trump Does Not Represent Us” - Graham - Capitol Hill Outsider - CHO
[…] There is no unmitigated good in Islam for the Kafir (non-Muslim). […]
Non-Muslims encouraged to wear Islamic head scarf at school
[…] is no unmitigated good in Islam for the Kafir […]
Non-Muslims encouraged to wear Islamic head scarf at school | Exposing Modern Mugwumps
[…] There is no unmitigated good in Islam for the Kafir (non-Muslim). […]
Bill Warner – Political Islam Compilation | The NeoConservative Christian Right
[…] is a cultural, religious and political system. Only the political system is of interest to kafirs (non-Muslims) since it determines how we are defined and treated. The Islamic political system is […]
Interview with Dr. Bill Warner on Islam - VOX POPULI NEWS
[…] There is no unmitigated good in Islam for the Kafir (non-Muslim). […]
Part VII: Kaboom! Surprise—Islam and Scientology Don’t Mix | Chalet Reports
[…] That’s an inset with the Scientology “S-and-double-triangles” logo, accompanied by the letters “HCO”—which stand for “Hubbard Communications Office.” Because the lid of a Mark V hooks to the front of the meter to hold it up when in use, that would have been staring back, like the red eye of heresy accusation, at any Muslim being “sec checked” with one of these meters by these kafirs—non-believers—Jessup and Mauerer. [See definition and discussion of kafir at Political Islam. ] […]
Germany Makes Me Happy. - Christian Chat Rooms & Forums
[…] up" to avoid being raped by Muslim males (Islam teaches non-Islam females are rapeable as kafirs while Muslim women are not) as vast numbers of Muslim men pour into the nation costing German […]
Jihad vs Crusades: The Facts - Israel Islam and End Times
[…] is no unmitigated good in Islam for the Kafir […]
Beheading in Islam | The NeoConservative Christian Right
[…] is a cultural, religious and political system. Only the political system is of interest to kafirs (non-Muslims) since it determines how we are defined and treated. The Islamic political system is […]
Jihad on Non-Muslim Places of Worship in Turkey - Rage and War
[…] language of Islam is dualistic,” notes Bill Warner, the director of the Center for the Study of Political Islam. “Humanity is not seen as one […]
The part about killing is for the Jews, not Muslims. The next two verses are about jihad for Muslims.
5:32 That was why We laid it down for the Jews that whoever killed a human being, except as punishment for murder or other villainy in the land, shall be regarded as having killed all mankind; and that whoever saved a human life shall be regarded as having saved all mankind.
Our apostles brought them veritable proofs: yet many among them, even after that, did prodigious evil in the land.
5:33 Those that make war against Allah and His apostle and spread disorder in the land shall be slain or crucified or have their hands and feet cut off on alternate sides, or be banished from the land. They shall be held up to shame in this world and sternly punished in the hereafter: except those that repent before you reduce them. For you must know that Allah is forgiving and merciful.
5:35 Believers, have fear of Allah and seek the right path to Him. Fight valiantly for His cause, so that you may triumph.
abdul basit
I testify that Quran is the Book of Allah Subhanahu, Islam is the only true religion and prophet Mohammad salalaho alaihay waslam is His last prophet and Islam the only BEST religion. It is important to believe in Allah, His oneness, His books including Quran, Torah, Injeel and Zaboor, His angels, His prophets and Akhirat before you die. Whoever refuses their lord will be in great loss. Quran calls you to accept Islam so that you be saved from Hell. Today kufars mock on Muslims, in Akhirat Muslims will mock on kufars for their foolishness.”
ibrahim itace
christians know that their religion is melting down and the world is now turning to islam as alternative, the christian leaders who feed fat from tithes now resort to blackmail and lies against islam.it is too late , truth is now clear
A happy kafir
It’s funny how all the Muslims who are commenting here CONFIRMS what this article says.
Truly balanced. True, I never read the Qur’an in whole. Neither the Hadith and Sira. But I dealt with Israel for fourteen years now and came to the conclusion that doublespeak is a typical practice of Arab society in dealing with the western world in English and the Eastern World in Arabic with two different messages. What I did is read books by people that are on site and have a better grasp of reality concerning the Middle East conflict and I also read books by people that used to be Muslim and converted, in this case, to Catholicism as in the case of R. V. Menezes who became a Catholic bishop in India. http://www.amazon.com/Life-Religion-Mohammed-Prophet-Arabia/dp/192929168X/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1370800984&sr=1-2&keywords=The+Life+and+Religion+of+Muhammad+prophet+of+Arabia
Yet, I still will read all the other books as I have done before to have a better say.
In case of Sarah, one of the commentators, it is almost a certainty that this might not even be the real name. Either way, people refuting what is on this web site and similar sites like this, never ever back up their claims with any valid proof. This is also customary for the whole leftist liberal scene where accusations are made not base on facts but wishful thinking.
syria , egypt who is killing afagan napakistan who are killing ??muslims kill in the name of religion gandhi were killed not for religion, not because of any book or those killer were not having millions of killer followers, but mhd have !!!!!
30% muslims are 30000% terrorist, they can kill whole world muslims & non muslims in the name of allah
Chaudhry Rajinder Nijjhar Jatt
Always first understand the meaning of the word and then apply it. But many want to exploit religion for selfish reasons. They are empty drums making much noise to lure the simpletons into their nets. Such people are Angels of Hell leading people into the sectarian riots in which people of the same tribe kill each other. Wherever there is a strong tribal instinct, such Angels of Hell cannot establish their roots.
ADAM: – Adam was created in the image of God as the NOOR comes from Allah whilst the Nature that you can see is of the demiurge god of creation called Brahma, Khuda, Yahweh, etc. Such demiurge gods are jealous and revengeful as a natural man is and they behave like animals unless they are tamed or disciplined by a Priest of Adam called Rabbi, Brahmin, Fetish, etc. Priests. That is why the students of these school masters or the moral teachers teaching the moral laws are called Disciples. Moral laws are based upon the natural instincts of tit-for-tat. If the roots of the moral laws are based upon “His Word”, then they are sound otherwise they are of the sons of Satan of the highest order Al-Djmar Al-Aksa. He propagates KUFARS, KOORR or falsehoods that are sweeter than honey or sugar-coated tablets that lead to massive destructions during the sectarian riots. So, an ideal Priest should have the basic knowledge of “His Word” or of Super Natural God Which dominates the Nature. Christ Jesus demonstrated this when He made Twelve sparrows of clay on a Sabbath day and put life into them so that the spiritually blind Rabbi complaining about Him could see the Powers of the Super Natural God called Eloheim, Par Brahm, Allah, etc. An ideal Rabbi has been defined by Christ Jesus in Matt.13.v52:- Then He told them, “That is why every scribe or the moral teacher who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like the school master, Rabbi, of a household, Synagogue, who brings forth both new, “His Word” that cannot be written down in ink on paper called Oral Torah and old things, the Scriptures that is written down in ink on paper for the once-born children to be taught, the Disciples, in their class rooms, out of his Treasure Chest, the knowledge”.
That is why Christ Paul equated Scriptures to “Milk for the once-born natural babies” and “His Word” called Gospel that is always received by an individual seeker, the twice-born, to “Meat”, the Flesh of Jesus. As Gospel cannot be revealed to all but the sensible twice-born people possessing holy spirit, common sense, it is presented in Parables or puzzles that a once-born cannot decipher.
Now, there is much Light in the East and people over there are more enlightened. Greed is also greatest of all in the world and for the sake of money they will exploit religious concepts. Islam of Mullah presents the excellent way of life based upon the generosity of the Gentile who never die for they do not live to die. This is represented by the Samaritan man who picked up a wounded person without asking him his tribal identity as the Jewish Rabbis, Pharisee, etc. wanted to know before helping. People of the West have such qualities but they are totally missing in the East.A
This Dark Age belongs to Khatris, who are very greedy people and they have no religion but thieves. That is why the greatest spiritual Doctor Satguru Nanak Dev Ji appeared among these spiritually sick people and the Khatri were not allowed to rule India directly for their greed was too much. People of the Judah tribe are Princesses of Darkness whilst the Khatris are Kings and Emperors of Darkness.
Now, Islam of Allah is Universal religion of all the religious people, who are sons of Man or have tribal identity. Khatris on becoming Mohammedans occupied Mosques and performed their most satanic deeds. They changed their tribal identity to Sheikh and hid their tribal surname from public but they consulted their family trees during social occasions such as marriage. People of menial tribes did not stick to their tribal identity and changed their surnames from generation to generation. Such people are bastards worse than those born of the prostitutes and these are the people that make much sectarian noises to create riots.
I go to Oxford and being of the Jatt tribe, the menial tribal people do not like the Gospel Truth. It is only the sensible people of West that appreciate my Preaching of Gospel. This fulfils the Saying of Christ Jesus, “Lightning strikes in the East, Gospel originates from the East but shineth towards the West, the people of the West would appreciate the Light and not the greedy people of the East”. Western scholars like Trump and McLeod have done research on Sikhism, but the satanic Khatris did not like to be exposed. McLeod mentioned that around 0.9 per cent Khatris, 1.3 per cent Arorras and the maximum of 67 per cent by the Jatts, the highest appreciative people. I am a Jatt and my people are farmers and serve military but the Khatris are mostly business men cheating people.
Time of Justice is approaching when during the riots, the poor shall kill the rich and their ill-gotten wealth will become a noose around their necks.
In short, always deal with people who identify themselves through the tribal surname, a son of Man whilst those who conceal their tribal surnames are Bastard Al-Djmar Al-Wusta. Almost 90 per cent Pakistani hide their tribal identities and Jatts hide the least. That is why Jatts are more considerate in dealing with religious people but the sons of Satan have no conscience.
Thus, 99 per cent Mohammedans in Pakistan and India are KAFIR who take bribes, cheat, fleece, etc. You will find more Muslims in the West, who may not be Mohammedans.
Mohd ryan
Between RIGHT and WRONG will fights until the Lastday; ISLAM is one and only right “Deen” and the Non-believers will find, find, and find a WAYS to distort its teachings….
They will make researches on the HOW they will distort the meanings and WISDOMS of Qur’an and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) because this is the TRUTH…But whatever they will do….They won’t PROSPER because that is a promised from ALLAAH (swt), as prophesed by Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) not Nostra Damus, Islam will RULE the WORLD in the End….And for you to know, a second WITHOUT the Kalima phraising LA ILAHA ILALLAH… the world will be annihilated… 🙂
Hey brthrs,,,,
I have some doubts,,,,,
Who killed the great mahathma gandhi….? Muslim,,,?
Who killed indhira gandhi..?muslim..?
Who killed rajiv gandhi..?muslim..?
who killed many muslims in gujarath…?is he a muslim…?
Who killed lot of muslim in libya…?muslim..?
Who killed palastenian children,and womens…?muslim..?
Was adolf hitler a muslim…?
World war 1, world war.2,,,,,are they muslims…?
Who put atom bomb in hiroshima,and nagasaki..?muslim….?
Matter is only one,,,,
If any muslim kills another ,,the reason of quran and muhammed,,
Muslim killed a non muslim then he is terrorist,,,
A non muslim kills a muslim,,he is a criminal….
diane ballou
Bless you, RAM. I m praying for you.
Dear bloggers….Please do not heed to this nonsense biased website…This guy had only used verses from the translation of M.H.SHAKIR….please read the translation of ABDLH.YUSUF ALI for real meanings…and speak to a scholar for their meanings. thx
There’s enough evil in the Quran & Hadiths without inventing fiction. The fact that Islam preaches death of non-believers and the rape of captive girls (in Allah’s name), doesn’t mean you should reword texts. Rewording Islamic texts in the manner you’ve done only harms your own integrity, and give Muslims excuses to support their hateful & nasty religion.
Rape in Islam
8:67 It is not for a Prophet that he should have prisoners of war (and free them with ransom) until he had made a great slaughter (among his enemies) in the land. You desire the good of this world (i.e. the money of ransom for freeing the captives), but Allah desires (for you) the Hereafter. And Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise.
8:68 Were it not a previous ordainment from Allah, a severe torment would have touched you for what you took.
8:69 So enjoy what you have gotten of booty in war, lawful and good, and be afraid of Allah. Certainly, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
23:1 Successful indeed are the believers. 2 Those who”
23:5 And those who guard their chastity (i.e. private parts, from illegal sexual acts)
23:6 Except from their … (the captives and slaves) that their right hands possess, for then, they are free from blame;
Sahih Muslim
Book 008, Number 3371:
… We went out with Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) on the expedition to the Bi’l-Mustaliq and took captive some excellent Arab women; and we desired them, for we were suffering from the absence of our wives, (but at the same time) we also desired ransom for them. So we decided to have sexual intercourse with them but by observing ‘azl. But we said: We are doing an act whereas Allah’s Messenger is amongst us; why not ask him? So we asked Allah’s Mes- senger (pbuh), and he said: It does not matter if you do not do it, for every soul that is to be born up to the Day of Resurrection will be born.
Killing In Islam
Quran 8:39 “Fight them until faithlessness is no more, and religion becomes exclusively for Allah.”
Bukhari 52:260 “The Prophet said,’If a Muslim discards his religion, kill him.'”
9:29 Fight against those who (1) believe not in Allah, (2) nor in the Last Day, (3) nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger (4) and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (i.e. Islam) among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.
As I said, there’s enough evil in Islam without making things up.
most people in the west do not believe in religion i,e christianity and bible, millions of christians gave up christianity entirely and became communists.karl marx the founder of communism was a jew.what do you have to say about that ?
you lot only make me laugh;you should read the bible before pointing finger at others.didnt david,soloman,moses killed infidles?didnt christians commit atrocities in asia africa australia and south america.have you not read about papal wars?have america and rushia been waging wars all over the world in love of humanity?give up religious madness and be a human being.almost all religions spread hatered against non believers.so does yours.
Guy Macher
Would Muslims please explain why they deny the very sources of Islamic doctrine, the Koran and the hadith?
Are the sources wrong or are you ashamed of the Mohamed you find described there?
Dear Mohammed,
‘Kafir’ is far from a neutral word as you claim.
You are dismissing that in the Islamic foundational texts (Koran, Sira and Hadiths), kafir is not used as a neutral word, but a very partisan one which is used to stir up hatred and motivate Moslems to kill and enslave those who are unworthy to live.
A kafir may be hated, mocked, robbed, punished, beheaded, confounded, plotted against, terrorized, annihilated, killed, crucified, cursed, killed in battle, raped, disgraced, exiled, dispossesed, ethnically cleansed, annihilated.
Do you want to be a kafir?
No? Then why would you follow a belief system that persecutes and treats ‘others’ so badly, merely for the sake of having a different belief, or none at all?
Mohammed Ameer
Kafir is a subject based on the verb Kufr. One who commits Kuf’r is Kafir. Kuf’r in Arabic dictionary bears three meanings.
*To conceal,
*To be ungrateful
*To deny or to reject.
This word has been used in all these three meanings in the holy Book.
Now let us deliberate over these three meaning of ‘Kufr’:
Concealment is associated with possession and endowment. One who possesses nothing precious has no need to hide. The Word of God, the Knowledge given by Him is a most valuable asset a man may possess. All along in the history of mankind, men of knowledge have been concealing from masses the Knowledge they possess so as to exploit them in the name of religion. Those who forbade the Knowledge of Vedas to the Shudras were indeed ‘Kafir’. Those who conceal from masses that Vedas forbid idol worship, have committed the crime of concealment. Not a single verse of the four Vedas speaks of the next life of a person in the mould of any animal or vegetation. Instead, they explain in detail the descriptions of eternal paradise and hell Hereafter. There are detailed prophecies of Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) in Vedas. Those who conceal these facts from the people having faith in Vedas are Kafir (in Arabic). Jesus Christ never once in his gospel, claimed to be ‘The Only Begotten Son of God’. On the contrary, to emphasise his human origin he always referred to himself as ‘son of man’. Those who hide this truth are Kafir in the eyes of Qur’an, which is in Arabic. This is an undisputable fact that prior to Qur’an, all the previous scriptures revealed by God could not remain safe from human interpolation. Those who made changes in the Word of God were Kafir. It is also a verifiable truth that among all scriptures, claiming to be Word of God, only Qur’an is unaltered to the last word and letter. This is the biggest endowment of God to the mankind that Muslims claim to possess. This wealth was sent for the whole of mankind. If the possessors of this precious asset do not distribute it among mankind, for whom it was revealed, they would be Kafir. In the past, the men of knowledge stopped others from knowing the word of God, but at present, those who possess the most precious wealth, the way to ‘Mukti’ and salvation, are in general becoming the greatest criminals of concealment if they do not distribute the ‘Gyan’ (knowledge) of salvation. A large number of Muslims I dare say, are practically becoming the greatest Kafirs of today as far as this meaning of the word ‘Kuf’r’ goes. Mr. Chatterji can call them Kafirs who keep the knowledge of unadulterated Word of God to themselves.
Gratitude and ingratitude are also associated with prize, endowment and bestowment. Whoever has been bestowed by someone has an obligation to be grateful to his benefactor. If those calling themselves Muslims think that they have been bestowed with the safest and unaltered Word of God by their Lord, it is they who can be grateful or ungrateful. If their lives do not bear witness to the teachings of Islam and Qur’an, if they are becoming unwanted instead of blessing for the society and if their conduct is driving Non-Muslims to hate Islam and Qur’an then they are becoming ungrateful or Kafir in Arabic. In principle he cannot be called ungrateful who has not been gifted anything worth while.
Denial and Rejection
Denial or rejection is essentially linked to an order or request or an offer. You cannot deny or reject anything unless an offer has been made to you or you have been ordered or requested something. If I ask someone to bring me a glass of water and he rejects my request I can say that he has rejected my request or denied it. I have no right to claim he has denied if I did not ask or requested him in the first place. Whether the Non-Muslims are technically Kafir or not in the eyes of Islam, those who have not asked them to accept it after explaining and presenting it in a decent and convincing manner, have no moral right in letter and spirit to call them Kafir.
The decree or Fatwa is passed on apparent admission but Allah knows all that is apparent and hidden as well. On two counts above it is for every Muslims to introspect whether he is being a Kafir or not. Only the third meaning of the word may brand a non-Muslim as Kafir but only after he has been offered Islam in a convincing and acceptable manner.
Kafir in itself is not an abuse. It has been used in Qur’an for faithful and devout Muslims also. “There is no compulsion in religion. Verily the right path has become distinct from the wrong path. Whoever becomes Kafir of the false deities and believes in Allah, has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break…” (2:256)
From the above verse it must be clear that the word Kafir itself is not abusive. Kafir is a subject that needs an object. The rejecter of – what? Muslims are the Kafirs of Hinduism (in its present form). Hindus are the Kafirs of Islam (provided they have rejected it after understanding it). In Islamic terminology the word, if spoken without an object, is used for those who reject the Islamic Faith.
…And therefore all killings, hand cuttings, and whatever is deemed appropriate by Muhammed against God- fearing, God-believing people, is an act of disobedience against ALLAH, even though it is an act recommended by Muhammed. Because Muhammed was wrong. Allah never said that people who love God should be Kafir. Muhammed said that. What Allah said, but which was misinterpreted by Muhammed, is that good thoughts in the mind are our brothers, but evil thoughts in our mind are our enemies- make sure to kill evil thoughts. So Islam and Christianity alike both have waged sin and evil against feelow human beings because of a misinterpretation. The real ALLAH would never condone killing, mutilation, etc.
If Muhammed says that Christians, because they don’t believe in ALLAH, therefore are Kafir, this is a lie. Because Christians believe in God, and God is the same God as ALLAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Therefore, Muhammed has lied to you in his Quran, right to your face!!!!!!!
And another thing, I am a Christian, and I believe in God, but if you are a Muslim then you do realize that ALLAH is the same as God? Yes Allah is the same as God. And that means that anyone who believes in God, such as Christians, are therefore NOT KAFIR.
And I have now proven that Muhammed has lied to you.
It seems to me there has been a fundamental misinterpretation by Muhammed of the Psalms and Jesus’ words. When the Psalms speak of the ‘evil man’ or the ‘man’ as evil, they do not bespeak of a ‘man’ on earth, rather of the ‘man’, or voice/voices found inside one’s head, which may be evil or good. Therefore, cut off the ‘hand’ of the evil voice inside your head, and war against the evil voice in your head, but do good unto your brethren who are good (good voices inside your head). The symbolism for the Psalms originated in EGYPTIAN writings- then they spread to all cultures, but apparantly lost their original intended meaning. Since the kingdom is within, no ‘man’ of the earth can prevent you from obtaining it, therefore- seek not to ‘kill’ men of the earth, rather- the man/voice inside your head. For the kingdom is within, anyway- so only a fool would believe that it has to be created on the outer level through killing actual people.
Denis Berarie
God and science are interchangeable however the unexplained became distorted by the slant imposed on God by first religion then several religions; where by segregation of science took place in favour of superstitious cultures and other practises.
God is a system of order which entailed Mater Energy Space and Time (MEST) the entirety of existence. Good order in design (GOD) is the science aspect of God or the way the MEST is organised. Science is drive from the Latin word Scio meaning knowing therefore science give us the mean to know God in relation to ourselves and its entirety.
What religion has done is to create a perception of God as a single and separate entity so now we argue whether we are men of God or men of Science and never dare to see our self as an integral part of GOD (Mater Energy Space and Time). God is not constant because the MEST are not constant. We are the perfect example of that.
When Moses or Jesus went to the Mountain for 40 days, they did not see God! What happened was, they experienced a state of altered perception and a moment of epiphany; a sudden intuitive leap of understanding, especially through an ordinary but striking occurrence through hallucination resulting from deprivation of necessary nutrients to the body which was by then in starvation mode. This epiphany was misinterpreted as the supposed manifestation of a divine being, referred to as “God”.
Mosses came down with a brilliant clarity of how to bring social order in his society and the Law was born.
Jesus came down the mountain with the brilliant realisation that life is endless in terms of our MEST.
However the long and short of it is we are all one and that’s all that matters.
God created perfection and people distort the body e.g. circumcised. Call somethings good and others bad. It seem to me Islamic knows better than God.
Denis Berarie
I am sorry for you my brothers and sisters who follow islamic faith. It is good that you have something that you believe in. May Allah bless you all. However as in other books of religion such as the bible and Quran god sees us as equal, yet you profess that your religion in the only true religion. There is no where in the Quran that said to circumcise the children yet you do. Some cultures forced the girls to get married against their will. Denied then of the gift of sexual pleaser from God.
Child circumcision facilitate the raping of young girls in cases of forced marriage because of the lack of feeling or penal pain during dry penetration resulting from sexual mutilation which in itself an act of child abuse.
God created everthing and the people distort it and say somthings are good and others are bad. If their is a true God then humanity has distorted it so much that people does not recougnise it anymore. But irrispective of your faith we are all one. why all the fighting? This is the only true One God and we are all part of it.
brother, first of all u dont have any knowledge about islam ,its a great joke ,look at the person who dont know the proper name of islamic holy book name ,is commenting on islam .So brother first of all correct u r self , its not koran – it is Quran. secondly the word kafir is not abusive word as you are saying with little or no knowledge.The meaning of kafir is the person who doest not believe in one ALLAH, so now if anybody is having problem with the word then become muslim.Like wise you are also free to use the words like non christian or non hindus to all muslims. we would be the happiest person on the face of the world.
atrue messanger of god
Muslim religion will end sooner than before.Mohammed was not a right man.Time is watching,god is watching.God has seen the misery given by bar baric islam to humanity.killing of millions mercylessly by bloody islam.Islam is a bloody religion or better to say a satanic principle.Mohammed was satan.In this world nothing is permanenet.God is energy , god is a holy power , god is purity but barbaric islam has blacken the name of god.I say to all true follower of god both muslim or non muslim that end your jehad, end your cruelty against humanity otherwise all those of you sinner will be killed in awful way by the god or by his agent like accident, viruses, infection, disease ,tsunami, earth quake.
My dear brothers and sisters in humanity.
america is the big brother? how do you define america? A state with humanity or a state of rapist?
I am sure answer will be a state of freedom and humanity….not a state of rapist (though the rate of rape is the highest in america), we judge America by its law not by the people breaking the law!!!!!!! Ask yourself is it right or wrong?
on this forum, many people are trying to define ISLAM on basis of individuals! not on ideology!
Secondly many people are trying to interpret the term kaafir (non-believers) not on ideology but their own understanding.
IF one wants to understand this terminology then try to understand as who does “KORAN” mention as kaafir? who is non-believer.
read through the KORAN chapter 2, verse 23-24!
which states
now my brothers and sisters in humanity, now GOD’s challenge is there, If you can prove that its not the book of GOD(ALLAH), then you are not disbelievers(kaafir), but if you can not prove it wrong then that means this is the true book revealed by ALLAH(GOD)………………..THIS IS THE FACT THAT THERE ARE ALWAYS TWO SIDES RIGHT OR WRONG….NOTHING IN BETWEEN……EVEN IN THE SO CALLED SCIENTIFIC WORLD AND THE BEST LAWS OF HUMANITY IN THE WORLD……..(thief is only thief when you prove it otherwise you can not call anyone thief………am i wrong?
mongol turc
F selam aleikum to my brothers and sisters.
You people are sleeping whilst awake… Unless you open yourself to inner spirituality and inner God consciousness you will never be releived of your anxieties of not knowingness. Truth is knowledge and knowledge is your awareness. You argue to dissaprove Allah the almighty. hes name is yhweh, adonai, elohim or God or Allah. He hath created the dominion and all languages. You read but fail to understand because your hearts are hardened. Without being humble and accepting you will never comprehend the greatness of our majesty Allah. He is depicted or spoke yabout as if he is a man. Or a wise old scholar. He is not human nor some sort of invisible spirit. He is vast and does not have a human appearence or attributes. he does not reside in the clouds. He is everything and also consciouss. We are but dust particles in hes sight, but we were created from him directly from light unlike animals and plants and solar systems, therefor we have consciousness, and know good from bad. Do not mislead your hearts to think that the early jewish scriptures, the gospel and the quran are merely fairy tales. There is warnings about this. Do not ignore these callings because your life every life was created to praise the almighty. He has given you freewill so that you may make the correct desicions. Is this boring? For the unbeleiver it is… but on the day of judgement you will be tormented and be boring to the malachaieh(angels) whose jobs are to carry out your sentences. Before its to late! I urge all non monetheists to wake up. The jews and christians are our brothers and we love them. Allah doesnt hate, people hate, Allah doesnt kill people kill.. Some so called muslims justify there actions by the quran. They are called munafeeks. What the quran incites when it says to kill the unbeleiver is true. This is not hate. The bible and jesus hiself even has passages like this. Does this make God unworthy of worship? No…. Seek and you shall find, seek not and you shall be blind and the abode of the datkside awaits your spirit!!!!
All glory and praise be to him.
kaan the mongol turk
selam aleikum to my brothers and sisters.
You people are sleeping whilst awake… Unless you open yourself to inner spirituality and inner God consciousness you will never be releived of your anxieties of not knowingness. Truth is knowledge and knowledge is your awareness. You argue to dissaprove Allah the almighty. hes name is yhweh, adonai, elohim or God or Allah. He hath created the dominion and all languages. You read but fail to understand because your hearts are hardened. Without being humble and accepting you will never comprehend the greatness of our majesty Allah. He is depicted or spoke yabout as if he is a man. Or a wise old scholar. He is not human nor some sort of invisible spirit. He is vast and does not have a human appearence or attributes. he does not reside in the clouds. He is everything and also consciouss. We are but dust particles in hes sight, but we were created from him directly from light unlike animals and plants and solar systems, therefor we have consciousness, and know good from bad. Do not mislead your hearts to think that the early jewish scriptures, the gospel and the quran are merely fairy tales. There is warnings about this. Do not ignore these callings because your life every life was created to praise the almighty. He has given you freewill so that you may make the correct desicions. Is this boring? For the unbeleiver it is… but on the day of judgement you will be tormented and be boring to the malachaieh(angels) whose jobs are to carry out your sentences. Before its to late! I urge all non monetheists to wake up. The jews and christians are our brothers and we love them. Allah doesnt hate, people hate, Allah doesnt kill people kill.. Some so called muslims justify there actions by the quran. They are called munafeeks. What the quran incites when it says to kill the unbeleiver is true. This is not hate. The bible and jesus hiself even has passages like this. Does this make God unworthy of worship? No…. Seek and you shall find, seek not and you shall be blind and the abode of the datkside awaits your spirit!!!!
All glory and praise be to him.
I’m a Christian please show me in the bible where Jesus said kill the non believers!!! Because he didn’t!
I just want to know one question where was Islam before 1477(whatever is the currenet hizri calander is)
this is very known fact that the human life in this earth is atleast 30000 years old.
why dont you just open your eyes and see the things
.Look at the socioeconomic situation of any civilization where the the religions got birth. there were rebels to protect people from them they wrote in quran that kafirs should be killed or punished. at that time people were so moran that mohamad had to write in the book that people should not do sex with their own mother.
Time has changed you need to changed . you cant keep killing people with 9/11(USA) 26/ 7 (India) In the name of religion or kafir.
Those who didn’t believe in one god and his messenger, I wish you good luck, on the last day. You still have time.
The death threats contained in these Koranic verses give divine authority to Islamic threats and acts of violence. (‘submit and you be safe’) These verses command Muslims to take political authority over Jews and Christians, remove their human rights and confiscate (steal) their homes, lands and wealth. In modern language, such a program is called ‘ethnic cleansing’ or ‘genocide’.
The polititical program of Mohammed is called ‘supremacism’.
The Koran has a number of verses that call for ethnic cleansing of kafirs…those who say Mohammed is not a prophet.
Koran 33:26 “Allah made the Jews leave their homes by terrorizing them so that you killed some and made many captive. And He made you inherit their lands, their homes, and their wealth. He gave you a country you had not traversed before.”
Koran 5: 33-34) “The only reward of those who make war upon Allah and His messenger and strive after corruption in the land will be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet and alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land. Such will be their degradation in the world, and in the Hereafter theirs will be an awful doom; Save those who repent before ye overpower them. For know that Allah is forgiving, merciful.”
We don’t need to find that information in the Koran; we have it in the Sira (the life of Mohammed).
After Mohammed moved to Medina, he became a politician and a warrior. After a career of violence, he averaged an event of violence every six weeks for the last 9 years of his life, he died without an enemy left standing.
Up until the time of his death, he was attacking the Christians of the north. The Sunna of Mohammed is to attack every neighbor. After he died his closest companions became the caliphs. They carried out the ideals of Mohammed with constant war against the Kafirs.
where in the Qur’an does it say you have to take over kafir land?
This blog reeks of multiculturalist lobor communism
one thing which i did not follow is that if we are talking about Allah, that is the other name of God then why are we discriminating and restricting him. Allah could be in any form. thats what the belief of non ideal worship is set on. then why the following of other forms of allah- ram, jesus, zohrashtra etc. who give the same message of love, peace and service to mankind are being considered unholy. why other religions are not considered a path to allah or holy and he person following them a ‘KAFIR’? ‘Kafir’ should be another name to an atheist or the devils follower and not the one who believes in divine god, who has no classification and modification, based on casts.
kindly clear my query. thank you.
well, the Great book Quran do have every thing cleared in ,, and we can see that this do have many many thing which people cant understand is just because of they dont have enough knowledge,, we must have to read learn Quran,,
All I can say to militants that shut your mouth and stop bragging abt islam, islam is best blah blah and learn to live peacefully with your neighbors.
love thy neighbor Christianity
Guest is like god (hindu )
in which other religion you find these kind of writings.
I don’t follow Islam and never will in my life, .
let u r allah hate me i don’t give a dam.
parwaiz khan
hello friend ! who is killing and fighting person cant be a ‘real muslim’ they just think that they are muslim.i have readed quran i can tell you, in holy quraan(traditional arabic) allah say’s ”if a man killed a single inocent man,he not just killed that man he killed whole humanity”. I know there are some people ‘misguided’ by some fool mullah’s.but what about other peace loving millions of muslim who dont want any war? Why all people saw them with same vision? Do you think world’s 2nd largest religions all belivers are terrorist? And do you know? jesus (p.b.u.h) is very big saint in islam. And he is prophet before muhammad (p.b.u.h). And about jews-i have readed holy quran allah never says to kill or abuse any non-muslim ,but some ”misguided” muslim do that they gonna be punished by almighty allah.may allah bless you.
Just reading or reciting quran is not Islam. Understanding allah first and his power and mightiness is most important than Muhammad. Then comes Muhammad, following his deeds what he did in life is only important, rather than collecting sawab of sunnah and morale based muslim culture of invain.
I do not agree with your understanding about Quran and Muhammad(SAW)
. What the meaning of these phrases mean is not what we
Bhukari sharif and other explanatory and translatory books are full of mixed ambiguities, which when understood casually become lie and mean nothing except
ingnorant faith on allah. Muhammad is a prophet not allah,
who created all prophets for his purposes and no prophet
is above one or other in his kingdom.
Kafir is who denies allah, that is all.
You do not follow ways of Muhammad (only deeds, not morals or sunnah) ,if only morals are fulfilled then You are kafir, indeed society may call you a Muslim.
I’m sorry, I can go on for days when I see how ignorant a person can be lol… I just want 1 Muslim (and not a dumb one because I pride myself on intellect) to explain to me how on gods good green earth is it okay to put yourself above any other religion? Where is Islams qualifications? What qualifies Islam to be number 1? Because Islams gods name is Allah? So what… My gods name is Marry Poppins… how about that… Now I’m qualified too. I’m not even trying to mock anyone’s religion, I’m mocking your argument so you can see how ridiculous it sounds… I just want 1 person to make a valid point because most of you are not saying much of anything. You can not just wake up 1 morning and decide century’s after organized religion already existed and say “Move over there’s a new prophet in town and I’m putting a new face on god”… Do you understand how ridiculous that sounds? There has to be some truth to the Karan yes… but dammit don’t sit there and tell me that you have never questioned some of it’s content… You would have to be completely brain dead not to have questions, seriously… Oh yea, another thing, I see a few liars claiming that they supposedly know Hindus who converted to Islam… I would so love to know who these people are because if there’s 2 things that I am great at, it’s explaining the history and reasons why in less peaceful times a Hindu for the safety of their family and own life had to convert to Islam and the well respected Vedas. I can assure you there is not a single person in their right mind that practices yoga, reads Baghavad Gita, fasts and lives their life Krishna conscious that would go from truth in the smallest single cell to the complexity of entire space and time (explanation in depth and long before all this religious taboo) to something as vague as Islam practiced today (not the real Islam)… You would have to be nuts to understand the Vedas, be on your own private, personal, tranquil journey to god and then willingly give up your sanity and super soul to go on and listen to the preaches of man and it’s religion instead of continuing your journey back to where it all came from “GOD”. I think you guys have Hindus messed up and the real tear jerker is that Hindus are cool with it. I love me a Hindu boy let me tell you. Their whole thing is: You want to speak on subjects you know nothing of? go ahead, speak. You don’t want to become a learned man? Go ahead, continue to be an ignoramus… Now that’s wise. It’s like staying out of a domestic dispute. Just leave it alone, don’t waste your breath and eventually these fools (non-Hindus) will figure it out. All the abuse and harsh words Hindus take from these new religions and ideologies and STILL they practice their beliefs quietly, never pushing their beliefs on anyone else and never damning anyone for their betrayal of the original dharmic traditions and personal liberation or Nirvana. Their willing to teach the less noble but not a proud fool. You must always remain humble especially in the presence of an elder belief. The longer lived the wiser it becomes. Come on, you have to give it to them… That’s loyalty to the creator if I’ve ever seen it. That’s why I respect my Muslim neighbors who live in peace with their Jewish neighbors. Their philosophy is “You don’t bother me and I don’t bother you” But you know what? I’ll do you one better… If I’m not mistaken, there’s something on Muslims believing in the 7 skies. Where do you think this idea came from? That’s right, read the epic Mahabharata or any other Vedic literature that came before anything else. Trust me Mohammed didn’t just make this stuff up. He may have been a deluded trickster, causing mischief and mayhem everywhere he went as some might say but he definitely did his research to pull a good book together. I want Muslims on this discussion forum to do some research and see what Hindus believe happens when you pass away accepting god in your heart.. And don’t be lazy and Google it. I challenge you to really research using legitimate, reliable sources. You have to actually read a book guys, it’s not that hard. Meditate in a temple in tranquility. Speak to Hindus who know what they’re talking about (not a shameless 20 something yr old who disrespects his parents and has no plans for his future). When you are confident in your research and argument then come and debate. It seems most of you came dreadfully unprepared, regurgitating the same lame argument as the person before. Anyhow, I think you would be surprised to see how identical the 2 ideologies are… That’s why I can not understand where a Muslim can be so snooty… It’s unnecessary, you are not qualified to put yourself above anyone else. Who gave you that authority? No 1 person is better than another point blank and that’s it. Enough with the B.S. already get off your high horse thinking your gods gift to the universe. I’ve heard of being proud and comfortable in the religion you practice but jeeze not everyone cares to have your stuff in their face all day everyday, preaching like a mad man. That’s as bad as a gay activist flaunting his beliefs all in your space all the time… It’s offensive right? Okay then. Do want you want but do it quietly. Give respect to earn respect.
Btw: If you have thoroughly read the entire discussion forum you would completely understand the utter disgust of the term “Kafir”…. I don’t give two shrimps who you are or what walk of life you come from, to be called a “Kafir” is rude, disrespectful and inhumane by definition. Even to pick on an Atheist…. How dare anyone… Leave people to practice what they want without categorizing… I mean really, why is it that in Islam you are reprimanded for thinking critically and forming your own logical opinion? (and mind you, I have so much respect for the real Islam)…. Can’t any Muslim understand where any logical person would question the hard facts. Most Muslims put Mohammed on such a high pedestal you would think he was the creator.. I find it strange that Mohammed so conveniently came into play ages after everyone was claiming to be a prophet and an era where delusion was the number 1 diagnosis…. And the craziest part is that every Muslim that I know (and trust me majority of my friends are Muslim) can not give me any logical explanation as to why they give him so much praise. Is being a prophet enough? No seriously I want to know. If in Islam the biggest argument is “we believe in your prophet how come you don’t believe in ours?” then wouldn’t Jesus being a prophet be enough to put him on a pedestal also?… And please don’t give me that bulls**t that “Christians praise Jesus instead of the creator” because they don’t . It’s a Muslims pre conceived notion that they do. Why? because of tradition! A person who is born into Islam is taught to keep their mouth shut and not expand their thinking capacity enough to understand that truth in the creator is one in all and far beyond Islam… Because Islam like a lot of religions is taught to listen and not question, terms like “Kafir” are used so loosely and with no regard to whether the person is a mother, child, sister, brother etc… And why? because the prophet said so? Don’t be so obtuse… You all better start thinking outside of the box because let me tell you something right now, peace in mind is a relationship straight with god… Giving 100% of yourself and devotion to any 1 man (because I think we can all agree that Mohammed was a man putting aside the fact that he was a prophet) is against any religion and yes, even pagan ones… If you researched any other teachings outside of Islam you would know that… Point is, I think disrespectful terms should not be overlooked just because it is a Muslim term. I find these religious prejudices are getting off way too easy these days. If a man in Germany was taken to court for commenting on a females hi jab (R.I.P. to the female who passed) because it was offensive then why can’t a Muslim have to stand in court also for calling a person a “Kafir”?
Jeff Baig
Excuse me, who is spreading lies about religion? I would love to know who you are referring to… I like to clear situations for people who think they know it all especially people who only know one religion because to me, a person who can only speak on one religion and not even in depth at the very least is a true ignoramus.
I try to keep an open mind on all aspects of life. My close circle of friends are so diverse religiously and culturally but never could I ever imagine one disrespecting the others beliefs. To say that anyone should repent to “YOUR” god, convert to “YOUR” religion etc is disgustingly ignorant and you should feel shamed to even say that Islam alone is working with 20/20 vision and the miraculous power to understand and see things that the “infidel” does not because the “kafir” is blind… Yes I think any religious person would agree God is one and all. Any religion would agree God IS mother earth, IS all of space and time, IS our ultimate goal. So now comes the question, if God is God in any language then why argue “MY” God or “YOUR” God? Hello my god is your god and vice versa. So if a “kafir” is a non-believer then Muslims too are “kafirs” by definition…. Let’s never ever forget and I say this with so much passion in my heart and deep love and respect for the knowledge the Vedic scriptures contain, Muslims were Hindus before Islam was even thought of. In Hinduism a yogi will go through life training his mind to remain focused on only God. It is a very difficult and well respected duty in a Hindus life (which by the way has one god, I don’t know where people get this crazy idea that Krishna is separate from Vishnu), if the yogi for some reason has not reached god by the time of death then karma will bring him back in his next life accordingly (usually to finish out his journey to the supreme)… As Muslims were Hindus before Islam was thought of it isn’t too far fetched to consider the possibility that maybe karma has brought a yogi back in his next life to finish his journey back to the supreme as a Muslim or Christian, Jew or whatever it doesn’t even matter because all is the same. Do you understand? If anyone is searching for truth they shouldn’t have to look past their own heart to find God. If you should even have any doubt, enough so that you are willing to condition your mind to believe you can find all of him stuffed into just one religion then by definition that would make you a “kafir” non-believer because a true believer in a higher universal force and creator has a personal relationship with God they generally don’t use the middle man called religion to speak to God for them. What? you don’t have enough faith and belief in your own heart to consider God your closest friend that you can speak to yourself? Let’s not forget the word “kafir” by definition or begin to use it so loosely. It’s insulting inhumane and disrespectful. I do believe Islam is a peaceful religion thanks to my beautiful Muslim friends and am thankful they never use this hideous word. Anyone with respect for himself, fellow man and creature would never use this word. Amen to that!!!
You know, I try to keep an open mind on all aspects of life. My close circle of friends are so diverse religiously and culturally but never could I ever imagine one disrespecting the others beliefs. To say that anyone should repent to “YOUR” god, convert to “YOUR” religion etc is disgustingly ignorant and you should feel shamed to even say that Islam alone is working with 20/20 vision and the miraculous power to understand and see things that the “infidel” does not because the “kafir” is blind… Yes I think any religious person would agree God is one and all. Any religion would agree God IS mother earth, IS all of space and time, IS our ultimate goal. So now comes the question, if God is God in any language then why argue “MY” God or “YOUR” God? Hello my god is your god and vice versa. So if a “kafir” is a non-believer then Muslims too are “kafirs” by definition…. Let’s never ever forget and I say this with so much passion in my heart and deep love and respect for the knowledge the Vedic scriptures contain, Muslims were Hindus before Islam was even thought of. In Hinduism a yogi will go through life training his mind to remain focused on only God. It is a very difficult and well respected duty in a Hindus life (which by the way has one god, I don’t know where people get this crazy idea that Krishna is separate from Vishnu), if the yogi for some reason has not reached god by the time of death then karma will bring him back in his next life accordingly (usually to finish out his journey to the supreme)… As Muslims were Hindus before Islam was thought of it isn’t too far fetched to consider the possibility that maybe karma has brought a yogi back in his next life to finish his journey back to the supreme as a Muslim or Christian, Jew or whatever it doesn’t even matter because all is the same. Do you understand? If anyone is searching for truth they shouldn’t have to look past their own heart to find God. If you should even have any doubt, enough so that you are willing to condition your mind to believe you can find all of him stuffed into just one religion then by definition that would make you a “kafir” non-believer because a true believer in a higher universal force and creator has a personal relationship with God they generally don’t use the middle man called religion to speak to God for them. What? you don’t have enough faith and belief in your own heart to consider God your closest friend that you can speak to yourself? Let’s not forget the word “kafir” by definition or begin to use it so loosely. It’s insulting inhumane and disrespectful. I do believe Islam is a peaceful religion thanks to my beautiful Muslim friends and am thankful they never use this hideous word. Anyone with respect for himself, fellow man and creature would never use this word. Amen to that!!!
Jeff Baig
Do not spread lies about religions as all religions teach the same message. it is the preachers that wish to create hate among us so they can continue to feed their pockets by keeping the faithful fighting.
In Islam Kafir simply means a non- believer. One who does not believe in One God. all Christians, Jews and others are believers if the faith so dictates. Muhammad never asked for the conversion of any Jews or Christians because he regarded them as the people of the book. He never asked or ordered their conversion and only went after the non believers or atheists. Those are the Kafirs.
In this day and age please read and do not spread hate just for the sake of hate due to ignorance.
This post is true and says nothing but truth since it has as a source Muslim books.
Dear Sarah you claim that you have read Qur’an and Sahih Bukhari. I don’t believe you because if you did you wouldn’t argue the falsity of this post. On countrary you would agree totally. The cure for this planet would be the reading of Qur’an and Hadith by all non Muslims and then ban its teachings.
marky mark
Islam is very brittle, weak and fragile, which is why it needs so much protection.
Strong true beliefs, such as racial and sexual equality, liberty, and freedom are self evident and so strong enough to stand on their own. They need no jihad.
People, i hope this message is posted … i genuinely believe that No Religion is bad – only its followers are good or bad.
The problem with all religions and especially with the militant ones is two fold:
1. An inability to understand their own religion in context – for example the Quran was written in the medieval ages in the time of war – so a lot of it is militant exhortism not valid in times of peace.
2. A complete inability to understand other religions that leads to intolerance.
And dim wits like Sophia please wake up – Mankind has lived half its life on earth without religion, half of the balance half with only Sanatan Hinduism (the most tolerant of all religions) and the balance half with the melange of religions that we have today, the most recent being Islam.
And you will see if you study history and geography and fine arts that Militant Religion has always been an enemy of the people.
As has been militant socialism with no belief in god.
MORALE OF THE STORY: Militant anything is Harmful, much more than smoking or alcohol or even drugs
بسم الله الرØمن الرØیم
I testify that Quran is the Book of Allah Subhanahu, Islam is the only true religion and prophet Mohammad salalaho alaihay waslam is His last prophet and Islam the only BEST religion. It is important to believe in Allah, His oneness, His books including Quran, Torah, Injeel and Zaboor, His angels, His prophets and Akhirat before you die. Whoever refuses their lord will be in great loss. Quran calls you to accept Islam so that you be saved from Hell. Today kufars mock on Muslims, in Akhirat Muslims will mock on kufars for their foolishness.
I don’t what all of you say, if you are not a Muslim then you are a Kafir. Basically they don’t like you and Muslims are there to convert you and take your women. This is thier agenda. You may have good friends who are musims but how well do you know them and their attitude towards other. I have many Americans conert to Islam but do they really know what is Islam and theie histroy. Most of the south Asia was coneverted or killed and now since they can’t follow the same agenda by killing, they will populate and slowly chnage the demographics. Look at India. Pretty soon all these liberls will realize that this shit will happen in the USA. We have a Pres who was born Muslim but he is a Christin but still did not change his name. Why? In 10 years, you’ll have a Practicing Muslim and a President. Ask yourself, if you trry to put up a Churchl, Cynogogo, Temple in any of this Middle East countries, what will happen? Muslims preach Peace, Peace and Peace but DOES ANY MUSLIM COUNTRY OUT THERE HOLD ANY MINOTIRES MORE 5%? None because Muslims cannot leave with others. They say they want to be seculier but they cannot. Pretty US will have Sharia laws. I will say that Mohammed was probably the greatest man lived – a billion followers. Got to admit that. Christians, Hindus, Sikhs and others religion are too much into sex, drugs and whatever…Need to do something otherwiese shits going to come down faster.
Dear shaik ahmed,
You explained it so well.
I see…Mohammed didn’t just kill everyone who disagreed him, because they pissed him off. That would have been wrong.
NO! Allah ORDERED Mohammed to murder them. He was just following his orders! A divine command to murder trumps logic or morality.
Wow. It’s alright now. I get it.
Allah hates the kafirs and wants Moslems to terrorize and murder them. Perfectly clear.
How could I have misunderstood? Islam is perfect…
…because Mohammed said so, he heard from Allah, who said Mohammed is a prophet, Mohammed wrote that he is a prophet in the Koran, Mohammed said he heard it from Allah, who said Mohammed is a prophet, so Mohammed wrote that in the Koran…etc. The Koran says Allah hates kafirs and wants Mohammed to kill them K. 9.5.
(Shaik, How is that different from Son of Sam?…’God’ ordered him to kill a lot of people. He heard it from ‘God’. Or Jim Jones?…’God’ ordered him to give his followers poisoned Kool Aid? He heard it from ‘God’…Eager to hear how these cases are different.)
Dear ‘Rational’,
Your mind has been trapped in the non-rational Islamic vortex. You live in a separate universe where obedience and blind following discourage critical analysis. In this alternate reality, people are free to use taqiyya to ‘bring peace’. Lies do not bring peace, but merely postpone the inevitable confrontation between unitary logic and dualistic bafflegab.
The bottom line is that in this Death Cult, the second most important doctrine is to hate kafirs. (Al Walaa wal Baraa).
This is the emotional basis required to commit jihad against peaceful, cultured people.
Wherever Arabs invaded, they robbed the indigenous peoples, destroyed their culture and slowly choked the captive nations until they disappeared.
I love it when a Moslem tries to defend misogyny! Wonderful. Thank you, Mr. Rational.
According to you, it’s OK to repress women and kafirs. Islam is perfect.
Charles Martel
Great to see a few ex muslims have seen the light and have turned their backs on Islam after discovering its true evil nature. I admire you guys.
shaik ahmed
Friend’s just think why more than billion people love prophet mohammed that his hadith (order) are just followed with out question equally by all muslims…I am not saying other religions are bad but you need ot understand Quran in context..not out of context…
Regarding Quran referring to kill Kafirs..Actually to quote it is out of context…..
There is a story going on “Muslims had a noble intention to spread message of Allah to people..and the Mushriks(pagans) of that time are spreading false notions about Islam & mohammed(P.B.U.H)..The followers of mohammed (P.B.U.H) are upset because their honest message is not delived correctly, the pagans are succesful to deploy…So Prophet got sad..Seeing this Ofcourse Allah also got angry as god always support truth….Ok you don’t want to listen Message of Islam , its ok but don’t backbite…Allah got angry on his people(pagans) and in anger during the war he ordered to kill…Any good commander will order his people to kill enemies in war..Actually it’s deep context which you can know, only if you want to know…may Allah open you doors of heart…Aamen
Over 1 billion love Mohammed huh?
Jesus said wide is the gate to hell and many will enter (your 1 billion) and narrow is the path that leads to righteousness and few shall enter
Joe kane speak wisely these words will be painful on the day of judgment. Repent not only u but everyone!! Allah loves those who repent their sins he is merciful and all kind. Belief in him is the sacred reality. Anyone who is using discriminating words against Islam will surely pay the price one day. we will stand infront of our Lord and will be answerable to all the negative hostility we produce. Stop cussing islam u non believers u are blinded with satans blindfold only those who are strong will take it off and embrace islam. I know 2 hindu women who embrased islam and one athiest Jasakullah we muslims must be patient with the kafirs and its our responsibility to guide them and show them light patiently inshallah. I dont hate anyone i love humanity. Peace
This world is very complex only Allah knows best, hence we can only follow the righteous religion of Islam i am pakistani a born muslim my ancestors belong from india who were hindus during the moghul empire im am thankful to Allah they embraced islam and that i was born muslim. I really hope others can see the light in this day and age too. Hindus are kafirs that have been sealed they need to get out of this darkness because there is one belief and one Allah!!! Why cant people see this why are they so blind????
Pushtoon Kafir
I am a kafir (non beliver of Islam ) since 10 year, I am too much happy.
Joe Kane
Mr. L. Marouf is right on the money. Islam is a phoney religion. In fact, it is a code of violence for Muslim sickos. No wonder India is fighting jihadi Muslims and Israel is doing so too. There will not be peace in the world until Islam is defanged along the lines of Ataturk’s laws in the 1930s. Islam then became a pussycat and not a peep was heard from the jihadists who were all beheaded by the glorious Turks. May Atataturk’s name continue to be revered for all time.
laith marouf
The Qur’an is a fraudulent book which stole all its ideas from the Jews and Christians, including the Sabeans. Muhammad was mentally ill all his life and he never saw Allah except in his nightmares. All the great Islamic scholars down through the ages have written that the life of Muhammad is one of a crazed Bedouin who was a sexual addict. He even had sex with camels. Very soon, Reform Islam will arise and behead all the violent imposters in the mosques who claim to be the true Muslims. The only true Muslims are those who convert to Jesus Christ, may He return soon.
I think the simple term KAFIR is turning to many ways without a deep knowledge about it….KORAN or ISLAM never said to kill anyone who is kafir….kafir is a person who is non believer of teachings of islam….now starts certain catogaries of them.1people who believe GOD but not all the Prophets.people who dont believe IN oneness of the GOD.3people who dont believe in GOD.4people who believe in many GODS.5people who dont believe in any GOD. AND MORE N MORE…so ISLAM or KORAN never said to kill anyone…their is a simple philosophy….KILL DANGER BEFORE IT KILLS YOU…if anyone is dangrous for my life and there is no other way to save my life except killing enemy…then what should i do…so please dont consider terms of religion wrong to prove the political issues between certain communities or countries or people…i never thought about teachings of any religion are evil or misbehaving mankind…ISLAM was a religion of PEASE, IS , and WILL…opolgise for misspell not good in english
Afaque Khan
Dear All,
I belong to a Liberal Muslim family. Till i was i kid, i was proud to be a muslim. But things changed after series of attacks on innocent people.
What shocked me was not the attack, because there are some bad people in every religion. It was the response of ordinary Muslims (living in my country ) who haven’t got anything to do with Palestine or Iraq or Afghanistan. They were happy to know the innocent people (for them -Kafir or Westerners) being killed.
I went completely against of Islam after the Bali Bombings.
@ Demoncracy sorry i mean democracy is the answer
The majority of people in hell are women.
Mohammed said, “I was shown the Hell-fire and that the majority of its dwellers are women.” Vol. 1:28, 301; Vol. 2:161; Vol. 7:124
Statistically there are more women than men, so if we go by that argument, then its only a mathematical calculation of probability that there will be more women in hell than men. Nothing to make women inferior to men.
Women are a bad omen.
Mohammed said, “Bad omen is in the woman, the house and the horse.” Vol. 7:30
You tell Muslims that we take the Quran literally yet your doing that all the time 😀 What this really means is that these things can cause people to argue to deviate from their duty (whatever that may be). The metaphor Women represents sex/lust or other biological temptations (whenever men see a beautiful woman they naturally stop whatever they are doing to look at her). House and Horse represents Wealth which again causes people to break rules to acquire it. This was addressed to a group of men and so the metaphor Women was used, if it had been addressed to a group of Women then the metaphor Man would have been equally correct.
Women are harmful to men.
Mohammed said, “After me I have not left any affliction more harmful to men than women.” Vol. 7:33
Again addressed to a group of men and Woman used as a metaphor, address it to a group of women and replace the metaphor with Men for it to be equally true. The Metaphor represents lust, sex, sin etc etc.
Sarah, do you hate yourself as a woman to put up with such disgusting misogyny? Are you quite well emotionally?”
Sarah says: No honey i dont hate myself as a woman and i was emotionally well until your supporters of demoncracy locked me up in Abu Gharaib and rapped me multiple times and then put a rope around my corpse and dragged it around and then the shame of it all you all got out scot free.
You talk about liberating Muslim women and what not yet you rape me when you come here to liberate me from my own people. I am definitely NOT joining your group.
You have torture cells called blacksites in every neighbourhood, you have a testimony to Adolf Hitler’s evils ways in the shape of Guantanamo Bay (where you also have female inmates), you keep women and children aged 6 in Bagram Air Base all in the name of Demoncracy and you torture us there and kill us in cold blood.
You bombs my Palestinian siblings with Biological weapons and chemical weapons, you lie to the world that Iraq has those weapons and when its proved that they dont then you turn around and make up new stories to justify your conquests. You rob my country Iraq of all its ancient treasures.
And I havent even begun talking yet…………
Are you emotionally stable?
“….very much directed against Muslims….”
Those are Sikhs and Christians who are killed in Pakistan….
By Muslims
Those are Shiites being killed in Pakistan
By Sunnis
Those are Sunnis being killed in Pakistan
By Shiites
Those are Christian Copts being killed and persecuted in Egypt..
By Muslims
Those are churches being destroyed in Indonesia…
By Muslims
Every year Muslims terrorise and kill 1000’s of Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Jews, Buddhists, atheists and each other in the name of Allah and their religion.
Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Jews, Buddhists and atheists are discriminated and persecuted in every so called Muslim country in the world. They are forbidden or ‘discouraged’ to practice their faith they are forbidden to evangelise by law and under threat of death and their places of worship are destroyed.
Do you live on another planet?
Your so right!
“society’s sensibilities have been changed to present norms and so some things that were normative 1500-2000 years ago are no longer seen as such. this is not contextual and is misleading and deceptive.”
You have no understanding of the Qur’an.
The Qur’an cannot be changed.
The context and the norms have not changed
Everything Allah has revealed through his prophet is still valid today.
Bid’ah or innovation is forbidden!
The Qur’an is the word of God and therefor perfect.
Who are you to decide what is true and what is false?
Are you above Allah?
Muhammad, stated:
“Whosoever originates an innovation in this matter of ours (Islam) that is not a part of it, will have it rejected.”
“The Messenger also warned against the People of Innovation, from befriending, supporting or taking from them saying: “Whoever innovates or accommodates an innovator then upon him is the curse of Allaah, His Angels and the whole of mankind.”
I honestly don’t think people read for themselves anymore and rely on others to isolate the material, out of context and all, that best suits their present positions and reinforces what makes them not have to rethink things…
people read books of silly fiction, but will not take the time to read for themselves the book that is claimed by over a billion people in the world to be the statements of The Creator.
society’s sensibilities have been changed to present norms and so some things that were normative 1500-2000 years ago are no longer seen as such. this is not contextual and is misleading and deceptive.
i close by telling you about an occasion when a jew was abused by a man and the jew complained to the prophet. the prophet stated the man had the right of retribution and that he who assaults one of the people of the book (christian or jew) unjustly would have to answer to him on the day of judgment.
stop being prejudiced and get to know your fellow humanity. and understand that elites who control mass communications have an agenda which is not FOR the people but FOR the elites. and that agenda currently is very much directed against muslims, otherwise the PEOPLE would not go fight the elites wars for them.
Sarah, Read the Sira. That is where you find the warrior Mohammed, warts and all, not the air-brushed Mohammed they sold you.
And try these Hadiths:
Women are deficient in mind and religion.
Mohammed asked some women, “Isn’t the witness of a woman equal to half that of a man?” The women said, “Yes,” He said, “This is because of the deficiency of the woman’s mind.” Vol. 3:826
Mohammed to women: “I have not seen any one more deficient in intelligence and religion than you.” Vol. 2:541
The majority of people in hell are women.
Mohammed said, “I was shown the Hell-fire and that the majority of its dwellers are women.” Vol. 1:28, 301; Vol. 2:161; Vol. 7:124
Women are a bad omen.
Mohammed said, “Bad omen is in the woman, the house and the horse.” Vol. 7:30
Women are harmful to men.
Mohammed said, “After me I have not left any affliction more harmful to men than women.” Vol. 7:33
Sarah, do you hate yourself as a woman to put up with such disgusting misogyny? Are you quite well emotionally?
could you be more specific?
your accusation/assertion would be of more value if you gave us an example or two.
for example, the quotes above are accurate as far as i can discern. how are they incorrect?
As a person who has read the Qur’an and the sahil bukhari hadith, i can 100% verify that all that is written on this site is incorrect. You need to read the holy book yourselves to know for sure. This kind of false information to instill hatred against muslims in the hearts of people can only be the work of the disciples of satan. ↲And i am sure my message will not be posted,as its the truth.
i dont believ kafir is meant for al this,it must for one who dont belive in god (allah) thats all,, one thin must be clear that we al r created by one creator thats al n it cannot ask any one to kill or destroy, creator has each n every bit of universe is perfect, we dont realize that ,moön star sun day night river mountain jungles animals every thing, if we do change anything we wil pay whether its good or bad ,its on us, if u plant cactus, u wil not get mango u wil get on cactus , good deed bad deed u wil get reward for that, allah (creator) only loues ,it cant hate
i dont kno what all people say i kno only there is one creator of al n he cannot comand to kill anylife wheter its human or animals , it s only we hav to pay what we do ,n we pay what we do, every person can learn frm nature itself , i guarantee u wil get answer u wil kno , what the creator says CREATOR means almighty who created whole universe
I am a Kafir by definition of the Qu’ran. Those who follow this twisted fairy tale like the christians who follow the bible . . . the jews the torah ad nauseam all the other ridiculous notions of GOD . . . I say to all ‘WAKE UP’ embrace everyone as your brothers and sisters . . . religion is intrinsically evil as it pits one doctrine against another, man against woman, brother and sisters against one another.
Please , please, please reject those who seek to control with false words of faith and wisdom and think for yourself. I do not wish to live in a third world theocratic society those who do please stop trying to change my country and leave us all alone.
Human beings have many failings, in time ‘religion’ will be heralded as the lowest point in our evolution . . . . .
Dear Democracyisanwer
Well. thats how all of Moslem describe how beautiful is their religion.
Killing the Kafir……. and thats so…weird…
please be more relevant. You says hunting season is open. Dont make a joke, life and dead is in the -power of tongue…
well, killing is a sin for Islam as I know but how come Quran that Moslem claim as a word of Allah urge to kill???? How come…. even 5 years kid know killing is sin yet your religion still wanna kill us…. If yes come do it !!!!
I am a “Kafir” for the moslem. But yet I know what is the true meaning of being Christian the followers of Isa AS…….
well you have to answer me… what is Christian for you??? Who is Isa AS for you…… How do you know Mohammad is the messenger of Allah?
Why Arab’s language is heaven’s language?
See how far you know about your life and death!
Well, I am praying for you so that your eyes will be open and know whats the truth is. I’m not use any spell or jampi as you heard from your ustaz saying Christian used spell, magic….
ISA AS loves you..
Dear ASDFAF, “Why” is a meaningless word in Islam, because it based on the circular argument: I Mohammed am writing a book that comes from Allah; the Book says I am Allah’s messenger; I, Allah’s messenger, say that the Book is from Allah; Allah’s Book says I am his messenger…etc.
Allah created the kafirs so that Moslems could hate and kill them. Hunting season is open.
why mohammed doesn’t reveal salvation on his koran to his believers?how can he be said a prophet of Allah if his teaching contain many hatred and violence nor peace and love. while world today needs peace and love.
do God hate His own creature? and need to banish them?God never hates, disgraces,curses His hand-made creature.but why do you do it?are you a high power man?eventhat you can not save your soul?
I’m guessing from the trajectory of those fines that whacking an atheist costs nothing and if you kill a Jew the government cuts you a check.
The brilliant discovery of CSPI is that Islam is dualistic. Normative Islam is based on the juridical decisions of Shari’a law which contains two separate laws: one for the Moslem and one for the Kafir. We would say that Islam has a double ethical standard. “Do as we say, not as we do.”
There is a further dualism, that of types of kafirs, broadly divided into People of the Book and the various “polytheists” such as Hindus, who have in inferior status. For instance, in Saudi Arabia, the “blood money” paid for the unintentional death of Moslem man is 100,000 riyals if the victim is a Muslim man is 100,000 riyals, 50,000 riyals if a Muslim woman, 50,000 riyals if a Christian man, 25,000 riyals if a Christian woman, 6,666 riyals if a Hindu man, 3,333 riyals if a Hindu woman.
A Moslem man is worth 33 times more than a Hindu woman.
The point can be argued. Some scholars say the demons referred to are actually those arguing against Mohammed, based upon the historical context of the material.
Jarod Zorro
Hi i am not sure that 23:97 refers to Kafirs but to demons or jinns ,i read many translations at two quran browsers and a couple of tafsirs at http://www.altafsir.com.
Evil- 23:97 And say: Oh my Lord! I seek refuge with You from the suggestions of the evil ones [kafirs]. And I seek refuge with you, my Lord, from their presence.
can you please send proff that the text refers to Kafirs.By the way i love youre balanced and fresh aproach to this important topic.Thank you God Yhvh bless