Muslim Neighbors

Recently Vanderbilt University hosted an anti-Islamophobia conference called Muslim Neighbors. The conference was a dialogue about inclusiveness. But we should examine what the term “Muslim neighbor” means by looking at Mohammed, the perfect Muslim neighbor.

Mohammed had neighbors in Mecca, but he caused so many arguments and fights that he had to leave and go to Medina. Half the population of Medina were Jews, Mohammed’s new neighbors. In Medina he attacked the Jews, enslaved, murdered, and exiled them. After three years, there were no more Jews for neighbors. He then attacked his Jewish neighbors in Khaybar, took their wealth, and made the Jews dhimmis ruled by Islam.

Mohammed also attacked his pagan neighbors, robbing their caravans, stealing their wealth and murdering them. Then he moved north out of Arabia to attack the Christians in Syria.

Christians in Syria today are being betrayed by Muslim neighbors they thought were friends. But Muslims are never true friends of Kafirs, so says twelve verses from the Koran. So much for Muslim neighbors.

Мусульманские соседи
Недавно Университет Вандербильта провел конференцию протии исламофобии под названием Мусульманские соседи. Конференция была в форме диалога об отсутствии дискриминации. Однако мы должны проанализировать, что означает термин «Мусульманские соседи» с оглядкой на Мухаммада, идеального мусульманского соседа.
У Мухаммада в Мекке были соседи, но он так много спорил и дрался, что однажды он был вынужден их оставить и перебраться в Медину. Новыми соседями Мухаммада были иудеи, которые составляли половину населения Медины. Он напал на них, поработил, убил и изгнал. Спустя три года иудейских соседей больше не было. Затем он напал на своих иудейских соседей в Хайбаре, захватил их богатства и превратил их в Зимми под властью Ислама.
Мухамад напал также и на своих соседей язычников, лишив их караванов, ограбив их и убив. Затем он перебрался на север Аравии, Сегодня сирийские христиане преданы мусульманскими соседями, которых они считали своими друзьями. Но мусульмане никогда нестанут верными друзьями Кафиров, что подтверждается двенадцатью стихами Корана. Так, что давайте прекратим разговор о мусульманских соседях.

10 Responses

  1. […] Such ignorance will not be without a cost.   We are paying for our ignorance with beheadings, suicide bombings, mass tortures and murders like 9/11 and Paris 2015.   Whether we call the terrorism ISIS, al-Qaeda, jihad or something else the written manual and source is the same.  And while authorities continue to be ignorant of the source for these attacks and wonder at the motive of the attacks themselves, the attacks and Islamic terrorist activity will grow because Islam, Muhammad and the god allah demand it. […]

  2. anti-statist

    Thank you Dr. Warner for not only underscoring the Koranic mandate that Muslims be not friends with Kafirs, but also presenting solid (real-life) examples of how this plays out.

  3. scottistein

    The experience of Jews with Muslim neighbors is similar
    In Hebron for example friends and years long Arab employees massacred their neighbor and by boss.

  4. amarvin1998

    Corrupted ? Are the Catholics, Protestants, Jews, or Buddhists practicing wholesale slaughter ? Telling the truth will make the God of Abraham send you to hell ? That’s wacked.

  5. […] post Muslim Neighbors appeared first on Political […]

  6. Aingel

    You’re videos always get to the nub of the issue. Islam is very much a crowd ideology, and once the crowd is formed it seeks ways to crowd out those who are different, dissident or disliked. The perfect foil for the agenda 21 brigade, its unsurprising that crowds of “believers” are being moved into the midst of unaware communities, along a clear “common purpose” design. The best way to destroy islam is to not let the crowd have its way. This means making everyone aware of what it is not, as much as what it is. No one does that better than the maker of these videos, and this movement. Many Thank You’s Dr Warner .. You are an inspiration to those of us humane enough to stand against debauched theocracy.

    • manyuka

      you cant destroy islam is the truth, and its under protection of god. however it was corrupted like before religions. you cant go on with this head too long ,you will lose in this life and afterlife banished to hell.

      • Aingel

        “You will go to hell” .. Seriously, is that the sum total of your argument? Presumably i will find it full of unfaithful women .. Just the way you parasites turn them ..

      • Angry Citizen

        “you cant destroy islam is the truth…you will lose in this life and afterlife banished to hell”

        Instead of screaming like a SAVAGE, provide the EVIDENCE that islam is the truth.

        This site is based on LOGIC and UNDERSTANDING, Bill Warner is a Scientist trained and qualified in such things. If you want to debate then debate just don’t come here like a sub-human throwing rocks.

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