An Oath Violated?

There is a very big problem that goes beyond the dead and wounded at Fort Hood. The jihadist “broke” his oath of service, but what was the oath worth before he started killing kafirs, unbelievers? Major Hasan swore:

I, Nidal Hasan, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God.

The value of an oath is determined by someone’s ethics. So, what are Islamic ethics? Like all aspects of Islam, its ethics are found in the Koran, the Sira (Mohammed’s biography) and the Hadith (his traditions). The Golden Rule is not in these texts. Instead, Islam has dualistic ethics, one set of rules for Muslims and one set for kafirs (non-Muslims). This means that Islam dictates brotherhood between Muslims, but not Muslims and kafirs.

The Koran defines kafirs. The word “unbeliever” does not remotely carry the meaning of kafir. A kafir is less than human. The word “kafir” is the worst word in the human language. Kafirs can be hated, assassinated, deceived, enslaved, robbed, plotted against, raped, tortured, mocked and demeaned in every way.

Mohammed repeatedly advised Muslims to deceive the kafir in order to advance Islam. Deceiving kafirs is Sunna, in the way of Mohammed, the perfect Muslim. A Muslim is to tell the truth to another brother Muslim, but, if it will advance Islam, they can deceive the kafir. Does this mean that a Muslim deceives kafirs all the time? Of course not, but if it advances Islam, deception is ethical.

Mohammed said: war is deception. Who is the war with? Kafirs are the only enemy of Islam. Mohammed was at a state of permanent war with them. During the last 9 years of his life, he launched and led a violent event on the average of every 6 weeks. He employed deception against the kafirs again and again. Deception is Sunna.

Jihad against the kafir is Sunna. Jihad is also successful. In brief: Mohammed preached the religion of Islam for 13 years in Mecca. He was driven out of Mecca and went to Medina. In Medina he became a politician and a warrior. Islam then grew from a religion to a political force, and Mohammed died without an enemy left standing. Jihad brought him total success.

Jihad can be any action or word that brings pressure against the kafir. Jihad is by the sword, pen, speech and money. A jihadist does not have to kill kafirs. This means that deception, jihad, can be practiced in many areas to advance Islam. For instance, a Muslim translator or FBI agent can “shade” their work to conceal facts from the kafirs. And what if a Muslim in his role of translator or agent is caught concealing or deceiving, what will our leaders do? Nothing. Why? There is no one in leadership capacity that knows the doctrine and history of political Islam that has shown any knowledge to the public. Our leaders are willfully ignorant about Islam.

The question is: what is the worth of an oath of office from anyone who practices deception when it advances his agenda?

Let us look further at his oath: “all enemies, foreign or domestic”. Major Hasan is a Muslim and a Muslim is a brother to all other Muslims and an enemy of the kafir. Why would any Muslim defend America from an Islamic threat? His true allegiance forbids this. Muslims owe their alliance to the umma, the Muslim community, not to a kafir nation.

Why would Hasan protect the Constitution? The Bill of Rights offers all peoples freedom of religion and freedom of speech. Islamic law, Sharia law, denies these rights to any human. An apostate of Islam can be killed and freedom of speech is specifically denied. For instance, Mohammed or the Koran may not be criticized.

Major Hasan, as a Muslim, is not a friend of any kafir soldier since there are 14 verses in the Koran that command a Muslim not to be a friend of a kafir. As a Muslim, he does not protect the Constitution, swore a meaningless oath, believes that his fellow soldiers are kafirs (less than human), serves the umma before our civilization and deceives kafirs when it advances Islam. He also believes that jihad, in all of its forms, is the true relationship between Muslims and kafirs.

So far we have only examined the military side of Islamic service, but this applies to FBI, police, Homeland Security, fire department, any other government service and citizenship. The doctrine of Islam makes a Muslim’s oath meaningless when made to kafirs.

Houston, we have a problem.

Bill Warner, CSPI
Copyright © 2009 CBSX, LLC
Use and distribute as you wish; do not edit and give us credit.

5 Responses

  1. michael spencer

    Most people in this country never read anything, or they watch the kardashions. GREAT READING.

  2. Charles T Lawson

    This oath below states that he will support and defend the constitution of the UNITED STATES ?
    Is there not a united states emirates ” ARAB ” are arabs muslim, Who was he swearing an oath to,

    I, Nidal Hasan, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God.
    You must change or rearrange the oath to state , support defend the constitution of the ( UNITED STATES OF AMERICA )

  3. Opar5

    Outstanding article. I hope everyone has sent a copy to their local, state, and federal elected officials – with a request for response – NOT with some Muslim editorial propoganda blurb like my wilfully-ignorant officials have seen fit to see me. I still find offensive, the truncated reading of SÅ«rah 5:32, directed at the Israelites, that President Bush read after 9/11 to suggest “extremists,” not “peace-loving” Muslims were responsible.

  4. Democracyistheanswer

    By being part of a religion that promotes lying, the Moslem has painted himself into the corner of always being suspected. You have said it in this brilliant article: What good is an oath from someone who lies if it advances his (aggressive) agenda? Obviously, no good! Even if a Moslem swears his oath to a secular state in all sincerity, he will still be unbelievable as long he subscribes to Islam. Islam is at war with all secular states.

  5. deltamike67

    Deceiving the “Kuffar” (plural of Kafir) not only is “Sunnah”, but Oaths to “false Gods” can be abrogated at will. This is why the Oath of Keith Ellison, Congressman from Minnesota, is worthless and not to be relied upon.

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