Bill Warner: Islam and Inbreeding

Hi, I’d like to talk to you about a subject that’s not frequently mentioned, inbreeding. Do an experiment for yourself, go to your computer and Google Islam inbreeding, and I think you’ll be stunned at the results. You’ll find that in the Arab world, 40 to 50% of all marriages are inbred. In Egypt, 40% of the marriages are to a first cousin. In Saudi Arabia, 2/3 of the people who marry marry a close relative. And in Britain, the Pakistani refuges, 55% of their marriages are to first cousins.

Now, the result of inbreeding is genetic damage, you get increased diseases, mental retardation, and lower intelligence. I call inbreeding a crime against the next generation. Now why is there so much inbreeding in Islam? Well, if you think about it you know the answer. Because of Muhammad, he married his first cousin, so that makes that process sunnah.

The Koran lays out rules of marriage, but it allows first cousins to marry. This is in Koran 4:23. So according to the Sharia, divine law, inbreeding is good. And what are the results of the Sharia? Half of Muslims are inbred, with lower intelligence, insanity rates are higher with inbred people, and the closer you are in blood relation, the more schizophrenia there is. In Denmark, three times as many Muslims fail the military intelligence test as the average Dane. 2/3 of all the Muslims in Denmark are illiterate. And in Denmark, education for slow children, slow learners, accounts for 1/3 of their educational budget. It’s expensive to have such people.

Sharia is evil, since it dictates the suffering of people is Allah’s wish. Now think about this, Islam says it is destined to rule the world, and if it does inbreeding will be everywhere and humanity will actually devolve. And this can’t be changed, because the Sharia is Allah’s law.

But why are we silent about Sharia, suffering? Why can’t we educate about this harm? How can we go about trying to show that this is wrong? Oh wait a minute, we can’t do this because this would be offensive to Muslims. So we won’t be including incest in part of the explanation about the beauty of Islam in our schools. Can we find a Muslim who will say that inbreeding is wrong, will he abjure this because science agrees it is wrong? Can we run a social program to educate immigrants who come here about genetic damage? Well, as good as that sounds, because it would reduce suffering, that would be Islamophobic. How evil does something have to get before we can talk about it? I want to prevent a crime against the next generation. Am I a bigot to talk, and are you afraid to talk? This is a serious problem and it needs to be addressed. Again, go out and Google Islam and inbreeding and see what you think. Thank you.

Билл Уорнер: Ислам и близкородственные браки
Я хотел бы поговорить с вами о предмете, который упоминается довольно редко — о близкородственных браках (инбридинге). Проведите для себя эксперимент — сядьте за свой компьютер и введите в Гугл “Исламские близкородственные браки”. Я думаю, вы будете ошеломлены результатами. Вы обнаружите, что в арабском мире 40-50% всех браков являются близкородственными. В Египте 40% браков заключаются с родственниками первой степени родства. В Саудовской Аравии, 2/3 вступающих в брак, выходят замуж или женятся с близкими родственниками. В Британии, среди пакистанских беженцев, 55% браков заключаются с двоюродными родственниками первой степени родства.
Результатом близкородственного брака (инбридинга) является генетический ущерб, поскольку вы получаете повышенную склонность к заболеваниям, умственную отсталость и заниженный интеллект. Я называю инбридинг преступлением против следующего поколения. Почему так много инбридинга в Исламе? Если вы думаете об этом, то знаете ответ. Из-за Мухаммада: он женился на своей кузине, сделав этот поступок сунной.
В Коране излагаются правила вступления в брак, допуская брак с кузенами первой степени родства. Это записано в Коране 4:23. Так что, согласно шариату, божественному закону, инбридинг — это хорошо. А каковы же результаты шариатского закона? Половина мусульман, рожденных в результате инбридинга, являются умственно отсталыми, процент душевно больных выше у инбредных людей, и чем ближе вы по крови, тем больше вероятность заболевания шизофренией. В Дании, мусульмане в три раза чаще не сдают экзамен на военную разведку по сравнению со средними датчанами. Две трети мусульман в Дании неграмотны. И в Дании выделяется 1/3 бюджета на образование на отсталых детей, отсталых учеников. Такие люди стоят очень дорого.
Шариат — это зло, поскольку он утверждает, что страдания людей — это желание Аллаха. Теперь подумайте вот о чем: Ислам говорит, что он предназначен управлять миром, а если так, то инбридинг будет повсюду, и человечество фактически выродится. И это не может быть изменено, потому что Шариат — это закон Аллаха.
Но почему мы молча страдаем из-за шариата? Почему мы не можем просвещать о его вреде? Как мы можем попытаться показать, что это неправильно? О, погодите минуту, мы не сможем этого сделать потому, что это будет оскорбительно для мусульман. Поэтому мы не станем включать инцест в разделы, объясняющие красоты ислама в наших школах. Можем ли мы найти мусульманина, который скажет, что инбридинг ошибочен, который отречется от этого, потому что наука говорит, что это неправильно? Можем ли мы запустить социальную программу о генетических повреждениях для обучения иммигрантов, которые прибывают сюда? Ну, как бы это хорошо ни звучало, что это уменьшит страдания, это будет исламофобией. Почему зло должно что-то сделать, прежде чем мы сможем поговорить об этом? Я хочу предотвратить преступление против следующего поколения. Я стремлюсь поговорить, а ты говорить боишься? Это серьезная проблема, и ее необходимо решить. Снова, зайдите в Гугл на Ислам и инбридинг, и посмотрите, что вы думаете.

Bill Warner: Islam and Inbreeding

8 Responses

  1. camylla16

    Arab – Manila – to pull crimes against expatriates under Sharia Law. It is all lies nothing is done. Only reporting.

  2. camylla16

    I do not know how my first comment came out with extra wording and missing words.

  3. camylla16

    You are true in your statements Dr. I am a teacher of Islamic students and majority of them spend their time in fits of rage. Many have deformed bodies, i.e., large feet, small hands, slight eye deformities, attention deficiencies of all kinds, and the list goes on. One thing we have to take into consideration many are educated in the United States and Europe. They are sent by rich Gulf states (who are funding every political move or jihad spoken of – who else has that type of money to fund such a large infiltration) because they have the money to do so. It is a learning of how we think and operate. The wives that are westerners are second wives or to a divorcee that already has mixed with his cousin. I say he because women are not allowed to marry a non-Muslim. WE as a whole world wide are fighting something that cannot be won unless our governments join together and seclude them from all international dealings, stop them from buying our lands, funding the UN to cover up what they are doing to expats in their own country under sharia laws. Most societies are thinking Human Rights, but they cannot see your point of view because they have not dealt with these people daily. I have and have been stuck in an Arab country since 2012 because of their unjust laws – like you said Sharia law does not align with the UN Human Rights Laws it is a catch 21 system where many fall into a black hole of corruption and what I like to call “Soft Terrorism” Yeah I gave it a name because every single non-Muslim expatriate in Muslim countries are guilty. They fake it for the UN. The UN Human Rights organization in Kuwait, for instance, is all Muslims. If you call the hotline, they speak Arabic, if you speak out it is blasphemous or a lie. They report false numbers to the UN to keep them away from the public eye. I know for a fact even though I am in this situation, I still visit the Philippine Embassy who have over 200 “maids” that have been abused by their “sponsors” = slave owners. They are destitute needing clothing, food, sanitary items, etc. Not one Human Rights delegate from abroad has visited them. Why? Because Kuwait keeps feeding the UN money for various humanitarian situations. US Politicians seem to think this is something that just doesn’t happen but it does, I am a witness. This religion will never stop because it was Mohammad’s ideology that all the world will convert to Islam, devious, manipulated plan for hatred of Israel not excepting Islam as a real religion, so Mohammad took the low road and killed to convert. There is no stopping this – there is only one way and that is, unfortunately ending in an all out war on Islam. Shut the boarders or regret it. I have so many articles on this topic of mistreatment. It is even reported in the Newspapers, but let it be known NOTHING happens. Not one expatriate is helped or receives a fair trial. It needs exposure in a huge way but how – rich Arabs own stock in the news agencies and let’s not forget about gold.

  4. Aingel

    If you’re religion becomes the booty rants pf a deviant wannabe prophet, then the errors of that religion become your deformation. The irony, moslems are ked to believe kafir are less than animals, Yet mohammadans have created an animal existence out of their human condition, and now, generation by generation, are mutated into a robotised lump of flesh, lacking of critical ability and human appreciation. The very things they describe non believers as, is in fact what they have turned them selves into ..

  5. Eric

    Not so subtle spiritual warfare.

  6. dick_silk

    Long story short: Islam is the demonic DEvolution of the human genome.

  7. zinnrg

    Well, for the most part, this is common knowledge. Just how can one fight an ideology that infiltrates the whole mind and being of a group such as this without mentioning genocide?
    So much of this explains the mindset of the “new immigrant” but not of those that openly invite their enemy. Surely there is more at work here that we “normals” are privy to.
    Our education system has been broken for at least the last two generations as it now manifests itself in the actions of the last few groups of graduates and the actions of their “teachers, mentors, and higher level educators.
    Combined inbred immigrants plus the obviously uneducated (wrongly educated) generations will mean the eventual breakdown of our system. Add the misinformation (and lack of) of our once esteemed journalists there is no way get the true nature of the happenings around the world.
    The ignorant will remain ignorant and the rest of us removed, reeducated, subverted, or just plain eliminated by the others.
    How frightening, even horrifying it is to watch this happening and not believe that one’s own neighbors can be so blind.

  8. temorford

    Thank you Dr. Warner, that answers a lot of questions.
    After checking out the world wide inbreeding stats, a study of the IQ comparisons of the same groups naturally followed.
    It all made me very sad.
    We have on our hands a self perpetuating dilemma. Like a disease that prevents a cure of its self. The perfect weapon for the eventual destruction of mankind, or at the very least, the subjugation of the degenerated masses by a self created elite.
    Hits a 10.0 on my evil meter!

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