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Editor’s note: One of the problems we’re having while compiling this specific newsletter is the bias of the press and the fact that we are not able to rely on the press to report all the news. We have found many accounts of anti-semitism that remain completely unreported by the press or, maybe worse, slanted while being reported. The events that recently took place in San Francisco and Toronto, as reported below, are an example of this. In some cases, we have made the decision to use sources that are not considered mainstream either to attempt to include details that were omitted while being reported elsewhere or, in more extreme cases, to include information that has simply not been reported. –KM
North America
February 11, 2009
San Francisco, CA, USA
Events are still not being reported as they occur, says The Investigative Project on Terrorism. In January, the College Republicans staged an anti-Hamas event where people were encouraged to throw shoes at the Hamas flag. Rioting ensued when members of the General Union of Palestinian Students overturned the table and attacked the College Republicans while yelling insults and anti-semitic and anti-Israeli statements. Two members of the GUPS were arrested and charged with assault. The College Republicans, however, are facing sanctions by University officials. This is the third time the College Republicans are facing censure. Previously, sanctions were dropped when The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education stepped in to assist. For a full explanation of events, please check these following links: Hate Speech At San Francisco State University, Rally ends in melt down, and Protesters claim student conduct code trumps first emendment in editorial. Video below.
February 23, 2009
Washington, DC, USA
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum exhibition, “State of Deception: The Power of Nazi Propaganda,” demonstrates the effectiveness of anti-Semitic propaganda in changing the opinions of the masses to motivate them to commit extreme acts of violence and murder. The same methods are being used today.
February 26, 2009
Suffolk County, NY, USA
Anti-semitic graffiti discovered at Suffolk County Community College in Selden. The graffiti included swastikas.
February 26, 2009
Toronto, Canada
UPDATE. In the last bulletin, we included an event that occurred at York University in Toronto, Canada. Although this event was reported by the Toronto Globe and Mail, the fact that it had turned into an anti-semitic riot was not reported. For the full story of this event, look here. The President of York University, Mamdouh Shoukri ([email protected]) has since issued a statement February 26 here. In addition to this statement, the University banned the the Jewish groups Hasbara Fellowship and Hillel from campus. Hillel members and supporters were the victims in the riot and barracade, not the perpetrators. The University statement regarding the ban can be found here. It is also important to note that Muslim groups were not banned even though many of the rioters were members of Muslim groups.
March 2, 2009
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Father of murdered journalist Daniel Pearl speaks out against growing anti-Semitism on California college campuses. Judea Pearl, a UCLA computer instructor, states anti-Semitic e-mail and verbal threats have escalated since Israel’s three-week invasion of Gaza in January.
March 2, 2009
New York, NY, USA
A new report finds most European countries do not have official data on anti-Semitism. The report, released Monday by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, examined both official and unofficial data on anti-Semitic incidents across 20 European countries from 2001 to 2008. Only France, Germany and Sweden collect sufficient data to provide for a trend analysis, the report said.
March 3, 2009
Newton, MA, USA
Swastikas were drawn in the snow. Although the imprints had almost disappeared, police were called and witnessed occurance.
March 3, 2009
Toronto, Canada
“Shut up or I’ll saw your head off”, says a Pro-Palestinian security guard to Jewish student at University of Toronto. Although the mainstream press has not reported this event, an eyewitness account and pictures can be found in the following blog posts: Shut up or I’ll Saw Your Head Off and Pictures and Live Reportage from Toronto University. According to MikeCG, who runs thentherewaslight, The Toronto Star did interview witnesses to this event, but chose not to include any of these events in the article they eventually printed.
March 4, 2009
Rockford, IL, USA
A swastika, a Star of David with a circle around it, a cross, a racial slur directed toward Jews and one other unidentifiable symbol covered the double doors outside Ohave Sholom Synagogue. The police haven’t identified a suspect.
March 5, 2009
Chicago, IL, USA
This week, several Israel Apartheid Week (IAW) events were held, sparking shrill and sometimes threatening situations. Swastikas were painted on flyers for a pro-Israel event held Tuesday at Chicago’s DePaul University, which was reported to the Chicago police. At Boston University there was a heated IAW event, when pro-Israel students showed up and attempted to distribute their own flyers. They were screamed at, “quasi-accosted,” and were bullied into not handing out their materials. Canadian campuses seem to be among the worse hit by IAW. At the University of Toronto, a student was physically assaulted by an IAW event organizer and supposed security guard. A similar situation happened at York University. Police were contacted, but nothing was done.
March 5, 2009
Agoura Hills, CA, USA
A swastika drawn in red crayon was found on the sidewalk in front of the home belonging to a Jewish family in Agoura Hills. The incident was reported to the Lost Hills Sheriff’s Station on Feb. 27. In addition, two Thousand Oaks High School students were arrested for allegedly committing a hate crime, police said. Swastikas were painted on the locker of a 13-year-old Jewish student at Redwood Middle School during the Presidents Day holiday weekend.
South America
Feb 26, 2009
Caracas, Venezuela
A pipe bomb was thrown at the Jewish Community Center in Caracas, Venezuela. No one was hurt but there was property damage. More here.
February 5, 2009
Berlin, Germany
Teachers across Germany say they face a special challenge from those of immigrant backgrounds, most of whom are Muslims. Many of these students echo anti-Semitic attitudes heard at home, trade schoolyard insults about Jews or express Holocaust denial. Some teachers try to counter this attitude.
February 15, 2009
London, England
Nelson Mandela’s former counsel states “Anti-Semitism now at Second World War high” and argues that argue that “the world is seeing a return to the vicious anti-Semitism that culminated in the Nazi Holocaust and the death of six million Jews.”
Feb 25, 2009
Paris, France
A French court has sentenced Christian Ganczarski, a Polish-born German national and convert to Islam, to 18 years in prison for his role in the 2002 bombing of a synagogue in Tunisia which claimed 21 lives. It was through the recent intervention of a Paris-based counterterrorism center that allowed the long-time al-Qaeda associate to be brought to trial.
February 26, 2009
Paris, France
Gang leader Youssouf Fofana will be tried in a French court for the kidnapping and torturing to death of a 23-year-old French Jew, Ilan Halimi. Fofana and his followers burned and beat Halimi for the three weeks he was held captive in the southern Paris suburb Bagneux.
February 27, 2009
London, England
Al-Sharq Al-Awsat (daily newspaper) recently published an article by Syrian Hashem Saleh, titled “Towards an Arab-Jewish Conciliation.” In it, Saleh argues that the time is has come for the Arabs to make peace with Israel and to focus on developing their own countries, and that the Palestinian problem will resolve itself via the natural Palestinian demographic superiority over the Israelis.
March 2, 2009
Paris, France
A French comic is convicted for slandering a Jewish singer and actor. Dieudonne M’bala M’bala has been convicted in the past for anti-Semitic performances and has now been found guilty Feb. 27 of libel for calling Patrick Bruel a “liar” and an “Israeli soldier” who supported Israel’s 2006 bombing of southern Lebanon during an interview on Quebec television nearly four years ago. In the past, M’bala has compared Jews to Nazis, minimize the Holocaust, and claimed Jews control France and are to blame for slavery.
March 3, 2009
Paris, France
The head of France’s Jewish political umbrella group told members of the country’s government that “anti-Semitism is back.” CRIF President Richard Prasquier spoke Monday night at the group’s annual dinner to ministers and bipartisan politicians about the issues facing French Jews. In January, 352 anti-Semitic acts were counted in France.
March 4, 2009
Kiev, Ukraine
Vandals desecrate synagogue in a Moldavan territory, drawing neo-Nazi graffitti on the walls and desecrating the ark, Torah scroll, and prayer table. They also burned posters and stole silver religious objects.
March 7, 2009
Antwerp, Belgium
The head of the Jewish Agency’s Task Force on anti-Semitism says three youths sustained mild injuries after being assaulted by man at Belgian city’s Jewish quarter. The man hit the youths with a metal rod. Two of the youths sustained mild injuries and the third broke his hand.
March 4, 2009
Moscow, Russia
The Federation of Jewish Communities in Russia says it is extremely concerned about a textbook on religion that blames Jews for injustices in the wake of Russia’s 1917 revolution.
In a section on Russian history, the electronic textbook, published by Ulyanovsk State University, reports that “elements of an aggressive culture close to a sect or cult which seeks to despise or dominate other nations,” in addition to other accusations.
Middle East
March 2, 2009
A Muslim convicted of killing a Yemeni Jew was found incompetent mentally and ordered to pay a fine. Former Yemen air force pilot Abdul Aziz Yahya Houmoud al-Abdi had told police that he had sent a message to Jewis in the neighborhood ordering them to convert to Islam or be killed. When his attorneys presented al-Abdi’s insanity defense, he shouted, “I am not mad”.
March 4, 2009
Lebanese Liberal Uqab Saqr Fails to Persuade Self-Proclaimed Extremist Yasser Qechlaq to Refrain from Antisemitic Incitement. Yasser Qechlaq insists Al Qaeda is a Jewish organization and more. Full transcript here and video below (registration or log-in may be required).
March 4, 2009
Egyptian expert on Israeli Studies and Head of Hebrew Studies Department at Ein Shams University says, “What Hitler did to the Jews was ‘Incidents,’ not massacres”. Ahmad Hammad says their persecution was due to “the economic crises the Jews caused Germany during the war, and the conspiracies they hatched with other countries. When they realized that Germany would not fulfill the plan they had in mind, they placed themselves at the service of another force.” See full story here and video below (registration or log-in may be required).
Rioting ensues when members of the General Union of Palestinian Students overturned the table and attacked the College Republicans while yelling insults and anti-semitic and anti-Israeli statements. Here.
Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi Incites against Jews, Arab Regimes, and the U.S., and Calls on Muslims to Boycott Starbucks, Marks and Spencer. Here (registration or log-in may be required).
Muslims profess their belief that they will go to paradise and receive 72 virgins for killing Jews and other non-Muslims in this video. Here.
Lebanese Liberal Uqab Saqr Fails to Persuade Self-Proclaimed Extremist Yasser Qechlaq to Refrain from Antisemitic Incitement. Here.
Listen to Matthias Küntzel, political scientist and noted author discuss his most recent book, “Jihad and Jew-Hatred: Islamism, Nazism and the Roots of 9/11”. The book was the grand prize winner at the 2007 London Book Festival. Here.
Egyptian expert on Israeli Studies and Head of Hebrew Studies Department at Ein Shams University says, “What Hitler did to the Jews was ‘Incidents,’ not massacres”. Here.
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Publisher: Bill Warner; Editor: Kendra M
Permalink: https://politicalislam.com/bulletin-of-jew-hatred/
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