
What should those who oppose political Islam and Sharia call themselves? Some call themselves counter-Sharia or counter-jihad. We need a better name.
Look carefully at how Islam actually expands its power. It is not the Muslims who actually do the work of Islamification. No, it is the Establishment media, schools, churches, government, and others who do the actual work. The Establishment is the near enemy and Islam is the far enemy.
Our name needs to reflect both enemies. Since we dissent from the dogma of the Establishment and Islam, the name “dissident” fulfills our needs. It also pays homage to the brave dissidents of the Soviet era. If you agree, start calling ourselves dissidents.


Как должны называть себя те, кто выступают против политического Ислама и Шариата? Некоторые называют себя борцами с Шариатом или борьцами с джихадом. Однако нам нужно более подходящее название.

Посмотрите внимательно на то, как Ислам фактически расширяет свою власть. Это не мусульмане, которые сейчас фактически выполняют работу по исламизации. Нет, это СМИ истеблишмента, школы, церкви, правительство и все те, которые делают фактическую работу. Истеблишмент —это ближний враг, а Ислам — дальний противник.

Наше название должно отражать обоих врагов. Поскольку мы расходимся во взглядах с идеологией истеблишмента и Ислама, название «диссидент» полностью соответствует нашим запросам. Это также дань отважным диссидентам советской эпохи. Если вы согласны, то давайте начнем называть себя диссидентами.



7 Responses

  1. Jaylinnstrom

    Our fall from free citizens of a constitutional republic called USA to the dissident status happened because the huge concentration of wealth engineered by the out of control Federal Reserve system. The elites who have initiated, planned, and executed the transformation of the Fed on December 2008 are all globalists. And they have a tight control over all the mainline media and almost all academic centers.

    People like Dr. Bill Warner has no support from any power centers of our society. He WILL be vilified and targeted going forward. He only has the truth on his side and not much else.

    Dissident is an apt term to describe the path he has chosen….

    Good luck and God bless you, Dr. Warner.

  2. Carcyn

    I can certainly understand the appeal in using the term, “dissenter.” But unless I was already living in a country where political Islam was the established power, I would have reservations about calling myself a dissident. No offence, but it’s like saying there is already a political power claiming its authority over me against which I am dissenting. It’s just an odd way to put it…that I would call myself that if I am not living where political Islam is in power. It’s to give too much power to something that isn’t currently trying to control me. A gut reaction, sorry.

  3. pkeyrich

    Cool, but I don’t like the alternative names for the noun form of dissident, but as an adjective it’s good.

    1530s, from L. dissidentem (nom. dissidens), prp. of dissidere “to be remote, disagree, be removed from,” lit. “to sit apart,” from dis- “apart” + sedere “to sit” (see sedentary). The noun in the political sense first used 1940, with rise of totalitarian systems, especially with ref. to the Soviet Union. The noun is first recorded 1766, in allusion to Protestants.

  4. anti-statist

    Bill, “Dissident” (considering the nature of our circumstances), is definitely appropriate. The ‘statists’ who think and believe that they know what’s best for us, make arbitrary decisions that affect all of our lives. We being the affected citizens, have few alternatives whereby we can express our distain and disapproval; but we can be (and indeed must be) dissidents!

  5. jkdMaineUSA

    American Dissident or just plain Dissident? I remember them being called Soviet Dissidents during that era.

  6. disseo3

    Great name.

    From the Latin:
    dissid.ent V 2 1 PRES ACTIVE IND 3 P
    dissideo, dissidere, dissedi, dissessus V [XXXCX]
    disagree, be at variance; be separated;

  7. Mike

    Islamic Dissident ?

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