Islam and the Submission of Women

By Jamie Glazov | Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Bill Warner, the director of the Center for the Study of Political Islam (CSPI) and spokesman for’s goal is to teach the doctrine of political Islam through itsbooks and it has produced an eleven book series on political Islam. Mr.Warner did not write the CSPI series, but he acts as the agent for agroup of scholars who are the authors. The Center’s latest book is The Submission of Women and Slaves, Islamic Duality.

FP: BillWarner, it’s a privilege to have you back at Frontpage Magazine. We aregoing to do a two-part series with you on the most recent book. In thisfirst part we will discuss Islam and its doctrine on the submission ofwomen and in the next part we will discuss the matter of slavery.

Welcome to Frontpage Interview.

Warner: Thank you, it is a pleasure.

FP: So tell us in general where Islam stands on women and why.

Warner: Islam’sstand on women is the same as its stand on every issue—duality andsubmission. Dualism demands that everything is seen, not as a unifiedwhole, but as divided. The primary political duality is the divisionbetween kafirs (unbelievers) and believers. The primary internalduality is the division between males and females.

The principle of submission means that one must rule over the other. No surprise, the women must submit to the men.

CSPImeasured the submission of the female to the male by analyzing theIslamic doctrine. All of Islam’s doctrine is found in the Koran, theHadith (Traditions) and the Sira (the life of Mohammed), the Trilogy.We collected every verse, every paragraph and every sentence thatmentioned women and their power relationships. These were allcategorized into the women being superior, inferior, equal or merelymentioned.

In4% of the cases, women were superior, in 91% of the cases they wereinferior and in 5% they were equal. But there is a big catch. The onlyway that women are equal is after death on Judgment day, when men andwomen will be judged on how well they followed the Koran and the Sunna.And guess what? The only way to follow the Koran and the Sunna is toobey men. Equality means obeying men.

Womanare superior by being a mother, who must obey her husband. So theperfect woman on Judgment day will be a mother, who obeyed all the menin her life. So really, the women are subordinate to men in 100% of allof the Koran, Hadith and the Sira.

FP: So what’s the story on sex in heaven? Apparently men will have lots of fun but not women?

Warner: Whatdoes the perfect Muslim woman find when she gets to Paradise? A maleParadise. Her husband will have his pick of Allah’s houris for sex.These houris are the perfect Islamic women. They arelight-complexioned, sexy, shy, perpetual virgins who never say no.

Thequestion arises: why shy and why virgins? Since submission is key toIslam, then submission must apply in Paradise as well. A virgin knowsnothing, is a blank slate, and is easily dominated. A shy woman has thesame submissive qualities. A houri will not even look you in the eye,nor offer any opinions about anything.

Theword houri never appears in the Koran. It is always in the plural,houris, although the Koran does not say 72 virgins, just virgins. So asubservient Islamic woman must wait in line behind perfect women to seeher husband. The promised equality on Judgment day would imply thatthere are male houris for her pleasure, but no. There are eternallyyoung, beautiful boys, but they don’t seem to be there for the women.

However,women are included in the drinking wine, fine food, lying about in theshade and watching and taunting the kafirs (unbelievers) burning inHell. So Paradise is just like earth, a place based upon duality andsubmission. Women must submit to men in this life and the lifehereafter.

Thisparallel between Islam after death and in this life is important. Islamis usually seen as a vague and confusing doctrine. This is not true.All of Islam is built on duality and submission. Islam is absolutelylogical and coherent in heaven, hell and earth. Islam is submission andduality yesterday, today and tomorrow.

FP: Why does Islam teach that most people in hell will be women?

Warner: Womenmay come up shy in Paradise, but they get more than their fair share ofjustice in Hell. The Bukhari’s Hadith (Traditions) record over twentytimes how the majority of those in Hell will be women. Why are thesewomen in Hell? Murder? Theft? Lying? Cheating? No, they were notgrateful to their husband. They were not submissive enough.

Inthe same hadith, Mohammed says that women are not as smart as men. Thatis the reason that it takes two women to equal the testimony of oneman. By that formula, a woman is half as smart as a man. The final partof this hadith also assures us that women are spiritually inferior tomen because they can’t pray when having their period.

Again,all of this is a manifestation of submission, women must submit to menin all things including intelligence and spirituality.

Thisinferiority started with Mohammed, just like everything else in Islam.Since Mohammed is the ideal model of a Muslim, the one to be copied ineverything, we must turn to Mohammed to understand sexual roles inIslam.

FP: How many wives did Mohammed have? Is it true he had sex with Aisha when she was nine?

Warner: Weknow a great deal about Mohammed’s sexuality. It is recorded inincredible detail. Mohammed’s sexual life is like the Koran in that itis divided into Mecca (early) and Medina (later). In Mecca he wasmarried to a widow and had six children. His wife died shortly beforehe was driven out of Mecca into Medina. After her death, his sex lifetook an abrupt turn. He engaged himself to Aisha at the age of six andalso married a widow.

InMedina he (age 53) started having sex with the nine-year-old Aisha. Shewas always his favorite. Most of the sexual details are told by Aishaand recorded in the Hadith.

Bythe time he died he had nine wives and several sex slaves. Mohammed isseen as the perfect Islamic husband and part of his perfection is hisrole as “stud” in the harem. Every Muslim male wants to be likeMohammed.

FP: How about the subject of wife beating?

Warner: Womenmust submit to men in all things. But this causes some human problems.If the woman does not submit, what is the man to do? After all, thewife will have violated the sacred law of submission. Mohammed had asolution to this misbehavior—beat her. After all, Allah said it wasgood to beat the wife. Koran 4:34 says that if a wife is notsubmissive, first admonish them and remind them that Allah wants themto submit. If they don’t submit then use social pressure by ignoringthem and not having sex. If that doesn’t work, then beat them lightly.

Mohammedlaid out more rules for these beatings. Do not strike them in the face.(That leaves public bruises.) One of his rules (Sunna) was not to ask aman why he beats his wife.

Hestood around, more than once, while beatings were administered to womenand slaves. Beatings are a fundamental part of Islamic justice. TheKoran mentions Job beating his wife, beatings in Hell and beatings foradultery. Mohammed gave advice to a woman not to marry a certain manbecause he beat his wives, but he did not condemn the beatings. When awoman came before him seeking justice about her husband, her face wasbruised from a beating. Mohammed made no comment about the beating thatbruised her face.

Beatingthe Muslim wife is not to be done in outrage. No, the husband isputting the world into Islamic order of duality and submission. Thehusband submits to Allah and the Sunna of Mohammed. The wife mustsubmit to Allah, the Sunna and her husband. Her lack of submission is afault in the world and the beating restores the proper order ofsubmission. Beatings are justice. So when the husband beats his wife,both are partaking in a sacred moment of good (what is permitted).

FP: Did Mohammed beat any of his wives?

Warner: Wehave only one record of Mohammed hitting one of his wives, Aisha. Herfather, in the presence of Mohammed, also hit Aisha. Mohammed made nocomplaint. At one period in Medina, Mohammed said not to beat women.But that developed into the practical advice that if you beat your wifeduring the day, don’t expect to get any loving that night.

Mohammedwas around a lot of beatings. For example, he stood by while Ali beatMohammed’s slave to make her tell the truth about the affair of Aishaand her possible assignation with a jihadist.

FP: What was Mohammed’s family life like?

Warner: Mohammedhad a very busy family life. But even though he was the most perfectman who ever lived, life was not always harmonious around the house.His favorite wife was the little Aisha, but for a while his favoritesex partner was a Christian slave called Mary. She was a gift to himand came with a sister. He gave the sister away as a present to helpplacate his favorite poet.

Oneday, one of his wives, Hafsa, went into her room to find Mohammed insome state of intimacy with his sex slave. Now, it was granted by Allahthat Mohammed could have as many sex slaves as he wished, but not in awife’s bedroom. Hafsa was outraged and Mohammed tried to placate herand told her not to mention it to the other wives. Good luck. The haremerupted in anger and coolness.

Mohammedretreated from his wives and set up his sex slave in another apartment.He stayed away for a month. Allah even weighed in on his sex life(Allah had a lot to say about Mohammed and sex and it was all good forMohammed). Allah said Mohammed could divorce all of them and get betterones, if he wanted.

In the end, he went back to his familiar family scene.

Allahalso gave him permission to marry his daughter-in-law. Mohammed cravedhis adopted son’s wife. Incest laws prevented his marriage, but Allahweighed in and said that his adopted son was never a real son, so goahead and marry her. Even Aisha remarked that Allah was quick to grantMohammed his pleasures.

Thereis a large amount of text about how the wives fought, argued, andplotted against each other. Jealousy was an ongoing state of affairs inthe Mohammed household. It turns out that you can’t get a houseful ofwomen to live in harmony with the ideal man.

FP: Can you talk a bit about menstruation?

Warner: Islamis always about submission and duality. What is amazing is howcompletely this is applied. There is no part of being a human beingthat is not to submit to Islam. Women are divided from men and mustsubmit in all things, including every aspect of femininity. Men tellwomen what they can and cannot do about their most personal life,having a period. Allah and Mohammed tell women that they are uncleanduring their period. They should not go the mosque or pray during theirperiod.

Butit does not stop there. Men even tell women how long to nurse a child.Islam is obsessive/compulsive. Nothing, absolutely nothing, is left outfor Islam to dictate.

FP: Is it true that Islamic doctrine advocates rape?

Warner: Mohammed and the Koran advocate rape of the kafirs. After their battlesthe jihadists partook in the pleasure of raping the wives and daughtersof the conquered men. Duality separates the kafirs from a real humanityand submission means that the cruelest treatment is given to them sothey will submit. It is only just.

Rapeis a supreme tactic of war and Mohammed used it in everyway possible.Rape humiliates the kafir men and crushes the spirit of the women. Itis the perfect weapon of fear and subjugation. How much more humiliatedand subjugated can a woman be? The history of jihad shows that rape wasa constant.

Rapeis in use today, but the media refuses to talk about it. The media doesnot want to offend Islam by unpleasant news. The use of rape by Islamis a forbidden topic. Islamic rape of European women is happening now,but our media refuses to ever mention it. Now, it could be that themedia does not like to connect sexual malfeasance with a religion, butthe media eagerly reports about Catholic priests and children forinstance. Think of the number of times the press has covered somepreacher’s sexual misconduct. No, the media loves sex and religion.

Whatthe media does not want to do is to criticize anything about Islam.Reporting the rape of the school children at Beslan, Russia would meanfinding fault in Islam. And Islam would harass the media. The mediafear Islam.

Dualisticethics make rape a virtue. Islam has one ethical code for Muslims andanother one for kafirs—dualism. The kafir woman is not real human.Allah hates kafirs and sanctioned rape. So when a Muslim rapes a kafir,he is partaking in sacred behavior, sanctioned by his ethics. Rape ofthe kafir is Sunna (following the ideal behavior of Mohammed).

FP: Why is the veil/hijab so important and what is its real role?

Warner: Theveil is the supreme symbol of duality and Islam. How separate can awoman be? The most dangerous aspect of a women is her sexuality. Allaspects of the veil/hijab control this, including the headscarf. Itsays to Muslims, “I have submitted to Islamic men.”

TheMuslim female dress is a battle flag of jihad. She is better than us.It says to the civilization of equality and freedom, “I hate yourfreedom. I hate your equality. I want nothing of you (except your moneyand technology).” For the kafir the veil is the same symbol ofsubjugation and oppression that of the Ku Klux Klan white robe.

The veil/hijab is also a way of subjugating the woman in public. All aspects of being a woman are controlled by Islam (men).

Inthe end, there are two things to remember about Islam and sex—dualityand submission . Islamic dualism separates men from women. Submissionmakes sure that the women submit to the men.

Islamis a civilization that is entirely based upon duality and submission.Our civilization is based upon equality and freedom. These twocivilizations cannot co-exist. Islam is ahead of us here, because theincompatibility of the two is clearly stated and gives the world thesolution for this incompatibility. We must submit to Islam and exchangefreedom and equality for Islamic slavery.

Thisis not really an inherent problem, since we have faced other doctrinesthat said we must submit. Communism and Nazism come to mind. In thepast our intellectuals have attacked our enemies of our civilizationand defended our civilization. But our intellectual system hasdegenerated and is no longer capable of defending us or attacking ourenemy.

Ourintellectuals have decided that we don’t even have a civilization, itis just one big multicultural world where all of the cultures areequal. So there is nothing to defend.

Theother thing that has happened in our schools is that debate is nolonger used. Our intellectual system used to be based upon thearguments between two views, some form of the left/right,nature/nurture. There was no presumption of evil on the part of theopponent. As the debate went on, some middle ground of understandingoccurred.

Debateis no more. There has been some kind of divine revelation that hasdecreed the final truth and what can be discussed. The Church ofPolitical Correctness does not indulge debate, but decrees that allviews that differ from its papal bulls are evil. Those who argueagainst Islam are bigots filled with hate.

Ouruniversities are filled with arrogant ignorance about Islam. Find asingle university that has a women’s studies program that teaches thesexist doctrine of Islam. Not even 1400 years of rape is of interest,much less the doctrine that supports it. Of course, the historydepartment never teaches the suffering of the kafir and the dhimmi,just the glorious history of Islam. The universities do not teach thesuffering of the deaths of 270,000,000 kafirs, so why should they teachabout the suffering of women?

Whydo our tax dollars go to our state universities, who refuse to teachthe facts of doctrine and history? Why can’t we pressure them to teachthis?

Wemay be too afraid to attack Islam, but why can’t we attack theuniversities and intellectuals? How can we justify not teaching anddebating the doctrine of Islamic sexuality? What is the basis of notteaching the doctrine and history of Islam? It is all fact and the seedof the action of Islam in 1400 years of history. We must acknowledgeand master the Islamic political doctrine and history or be annihilatedas a civilization.

FP: Bill Warner, thank you for joining us.

Warner: Thank you Jamie.

JamieGlazov is Frontpage Magazine’s managing editor. He holds a Ph.D. inHistory with a specialty in U.S. and Canadian foreign policy. He editedand wrote the introduction to David Horowitz’s Left Illusions. He is also the co-editor (with David Horowitz) of The Hate America Left and the author of Canadian Policy Toward Khrushchev’s Soviet Union (McGill-Queens University Press, 2002) and 15 Tips on How to be a Good Leftist. To see his previous symposiums, interviews and articles Click Here. Email him at [email protected].

3 Responses

  1. Islam lover

    That is all fake and taken out of context that is not how Islam works you dirty liars get your facts right

    • runyanBill

      Bill Warner is exactly right.

  2. Democracyistheanswer

    It is lamentable that kafir society is so spooked by the threat of suicide bombers and knife-carrying assassins! But this is understandable. No employer (whether in the universities or in business) would feel right about taking a stand if their employees were murdered by Islamic terrorists. Of course, the Internet is the only remaining forum where safety can be assured. It is very important that the Internet remain free, for it allows kafir society to debate the issues in total freedom and let the Moslems know they have been observed!

    Hot Moslems are furious that they cannot force submission on websites.

    The Center for the Study of Political Islam needs to look into ways the debate can be encouraged within universities and in the publishing industry so that all may be protected from those who use intimidation to stop free debate.

    In the meantime, the Internet is the best way to expose the death cult.

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