Islamic Charity

from, June 3, 2008

Islamic Charity

By Jamie Glazov | 6/3/2008

Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Bill Warner, the director of the Center for the Study of Political Islam (CSPI) and spokesman for

FP: Bill Warner, welcome to Frontpage Interview.

Warner: Thank you for inviting me.

FP: We’re here today to discuss Islamic charity and how it only goes to Muslims. Tell us about this phenomenon.

Warner: Charity has different forms in Islam, butthe most well known is the one mentioned in the Five Pillars—the zakat.Every Muslim is obligated to give the zakat (charity tax) based uponformulas laid out in the Sharia (Islamic law). The zakat is the Islamiccharity.

The zakat is to be given to eight categories: the poor,those short of money, administrative costs, those whose hearts are tobe reconciled, slaves to buy their freedom, those in debt, jihadists,and travelers who need assistance. A kafir (a non-believer) isforbidden to receive money from the zakat.

So Islam, as a corporate body, does not give charity to kafirs.

FP: Why are kafirs singled out to be forbidden to receive charity?

Warner: This is answered in how Mohammed treatedthe kafirs about money. Before he became a prophet of Allah, Mohammedwas a businessman and made his money by honest labor. Upon becoming aprophet, his method of income changed.

He developed a way to earn money, lots of it—jihad. Ittook eight attempts, but the Meccan caravan was robbed. Mohammed kept20% for himself and gave 80% to the jihadists.

If a kafir had money, it could be taken from him injihad. Allah even gave the rules on how the booty of money and slaveswere to be handled.

The other form of cash flow between kafirs and Islam was the jhizya, the tax paid by dhimmis, the conquered people. This tax was taken from jihad conquered countries.

Jihad and jhizya made Islam rich, so Mohammedestablished the political doctrine about kafirs and money. Islam takesfrom kafirs. Islam does not give to kafirs.

As an aside: There is a second subtle teaching here inthe Sunna. Mohammed started out as an honest businessman. Then afterbecoming a prophet, he took money by force. What is the differencebetween jihad and crime? Both involve violence and theft. Crime ispersonal business. Mohammed’s jihad was community business. So when aMuslim commits a crime against kafirs, crime is jihad by a community ofone.

A proper Muslim criminal would then pay the zakat on hisearnings, just like Mohammed’s jihadists. That is right, the zakat taxwas owed on the booty.

FP: So zakat fuels jihad?

Warner: Yes, and jihad pays the zakat. We do notstop and marvel enough at the absolute brilliance of the unifiedpolitical doctrine of Islam. We like to think of Islam as producing anintellectual desert. This is far from the truth. What is important ismaking the kafir submit and Islam dominant. The intellectual doctrineof Islam is not devoted to creativity, but is devoted to making thekafir submit. All intellect must submit to Allah and the Sunna (thedivine human prototype of Mohammed). Islamic intellectual doctrinesucceeds in the only area it competes in—making others submit to Islam.

In America–the intellectual land of Nobel prizes —wecan’t even decide the name to give the enemy. The names we use forIslam are dreadful. Extreme Islam. Moderate Muslim. Terrorist.War-on-Terror. These names are testimonies to a civilizationalignorance and fear.

Not so with Islam. Islam’s intellectual doctrine can compact a thousand pages into one word—kafir, for instance.

When you examine the meaning of kafir, you see how thelack of charity for the kafir is no accident. A kafir is the enemy ofAllah. The kafir has committed the mortal sin of denying that Mohammedis the messenger of Allah. The Koran is one testimony of the hatred ofIslam for the kafir. About 61% of the Koran (KS Lal gives the figure of63% in Theory and Practice of Muslim State in India, pg. 4) isdevoted to the kafir. In the Sira (Mohammed’s canonical biography)troubles with the kafirs occupied 98% of his life as a prophet. All ofthe mention of the kafirs in the Hadith is negative and hateful.

Given that Allah hates the kafirs and plots againstthem, and such a great majority of the Koran, Sira and Hadith is sonegative, is it any surprise that the zakat does not go to them? No.Wait. Wait. I can hear someone protesting of some known charity byIslam towards the kafirs. Didn’t Saudi Arabia send money to China tohelp with the earthquake? Didn’t that Saudi prince offer to give $10million to New York City during 9/11?

The answer lies in one more fact about Mohammed. On hisdeathbed, he commanded that neither Jew nor Christian was to be left inArabia. Then he added that they should keep giving the money to thekafir ambassadors. [Notice how obsessed Mohammed was with anyone whodid not agree with him—kafirs. His deathbed orders were totallyconcerned with kafirs. He was obsessed with kafirs.]

When money goes from Islam to the kafirs, it is toadvance Islam, not to help the kafir’s suffering. Mohammed was talkingabout bribes, corruption and buying influence, just like the Saudis inWashington, DC. When the Saudi prince offered the $10 million to MayorGuilianni, it was a public relations event. That was not charity. Onceyou understand the meaning of kafir, you see that generosity towards akafir is not logical.

FP: Any other ways that Islam allows for help to be given to a kafir?

Warner: Yes, voluntary charity. A person whocalls himself or herself a Muslim might offer help to a kafir out oftrue generosity. But let’s closely examine the psychology of thisevent. The only way for a Muslim to give freely to a kafir is to notsee him as a kafir, but as a fellow human being, an equal deservingcompassion and empathy. But a kafir is not ever equal to a Muslim.Seeing humanity as one is contrary to the Islamic doctrine of kafir andbeliever found in the Koran. Humanity-as-one is a kafir concept, not anIslamic concept.

If a Muslim sees a non-Muslim as an equal and a friend,that is a manifestation of the Golden Rule. Islam denies the GoldenRule, only kafir cultures support the Golden Rule. So if a so-calledMuslim truly gives true charity to a kafir then he is a kafir-Muslim,part kafir and part Muslim. (Another hyphenated culture.) Good for akafir cannot come from Islam. So real good must come from somewhereelse—kafir civilization and the Golden Rule.

FP: So in the context of this whole discussion, what is the overall goal of Political Islam?

Warner: Domination and annihilation of kafircivilization. And that goal is integral to Islam. Every neighbor ofMohammed had to submit to Islam. So it is Sunna to weaken the kafir. Ifit is Sunna to kill, torture, rob and rape kafirs, with the idea ofannihilation of their civilization, then why would Islam give a kafircharity? Mohammed took the wealth of the kafirs and harmed them, whywould Islam help kafirs? Why would a Muslim give charity to someoneAllah hates and plots against? Islamic charity to a kafir is notlogical and violates doctrine.

In conclusion, Jamie, if you fully understand themeaning of kafir, just about anything in political Islam can beexplained, including Islamic charity. The reason for this ease inunderstanding is that Islamic doctrine is so well integrated as athought system. A hologram of a picture has the amazing quality that ifyou take the smallest part of the hologram, you can still see theentire picture. Islamic doctrine is like that. No matter what part ofthe doctrine you examine, you can see the entire unified structurereflected in it.

FP: Bill Warner, thank you for joining Frontpage Interview.

Warner: My pleasure.

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