The Reform of Refugee Laws

Currently the UN determines what refugees get to come to America. Why should not we, the US, determine who gets to come here?

Bill Warner, Director, Center for the Study of Political Islam
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Use as needed, just give credit and do not edit.

9 Responses

  1. Martin

    What you were saying about the UN is ridiculous: It was the USA under Truman who was one of their founders. The USA has one permanent seat in the UN. Therefore pls blame your own government first(not only Obama, but all since Truman). The US government uses the UN to reach their goals. I agree with you, that Islam is a permanent threat to the western civilization, as we know it today.

  2. Bobby

    After discovering this web site and the perspective Dr. Bill brings to the understanding of Islam I have reposted links to discussions and a few times reiterated the perspective, and I believe the truth of it on Facebook posts. Last evening I found a post on my page with video in Arabic. One of the three videos, I only watched the one showed a man holding a baby as if it were a machine gun. The man pretended to be shooting at someone with the baby. I don’t have Muslim contacts. I don’t know where it came from and I took it as some threat. Certainly it is apparent that population expansion is part of Jihad. Has anyone else ever gotten this sort of posting? I am not sure what to make of it.
    Thank You!

  3. Rayn

    Would like to repeat Michael’s message from July 28, 2014, this is exactly what I’m thinking.

    “wake up America..
    How can you allow such a fraud to take place.
    Christians who are persecuted by these Muslims do not stand a chance as refugees while the Muslims are
    invading America .The U S should abolish such a fraudulent treaty.”

  4. In Maine we have been overrun by Somalis. In Lewiston, for example, a population of 30,000 residents of French-Canadian decent has had an influx of Somalis collecting rent subsidies, welfare benefits and food stamps. They are also laundering money through Halal owned shops to terrorists overseas thanks, in part to Catholic Charities.

    When Mayor Bob MacDonald said it needed to stop and that these immigrants should also “check their culture at the door”, he was excoriated for his remarks by the apologists in the Left-wing media.

  5. Kaye

    These people, and yes I am Christian, are NOT welcomed, wanted, or needed in our society/American Culture… we have lawlessness and Godlessness in the highest elected places in our country. Our nation was founded on “morals, principals, and values,” we are a Constitutional Republic, which the “real majority,” of generational Americans really do want to keep. We will lose our country “if” our president is “never” held accountable for “seemingly any actions,” he deems necessary, period. This is merely a means to secure one ruling party for all future generations of Americans, this is Barack Obama’s “FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION,” for America… he was likely raised by communist loving family, by his blood line he is nor never could uphold our Constitution, based solely on that “one” fact… he is indeed a Muslim, which can never coexist with America’s laws, therefore he shall continue to disregard our Constitution, period!!

  6. michael

    wake up America.. How can you allow such a fraud to take place. Christians who are persecuted by these Muslims do not stand a chance as refugees while the Muslims are invading America .The U S should abolish such a fraudulent treaty.

  7. Bill

    The US has signed a treaty with the UN

  8. Lily

    Do UN rulings trump US immigration laws? Thank you.

  9. Peter

    An interesting take on ‘Refugees’ and who chooses them. Thanks. From Canada.

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